Boone Town Council To Consider Adopting Whistleblower Protection Resolution at Thursday’s Council Meeting

By Jesse Wood

Sept. 15, 2014. The Boone Town Council will consider adopting a resolution to protect whistleblowers at its council meeting on Thursday.

town-of-boone-logo2 sealA summary of the resolution included in the meeting packet reads: “This policy allows an employee of the Town of Boone to report an activity that he or she considers to be illegal or dishonest to the town manager without fear of being threatened, discriminated or retaliated against.”

The town’s proposed resolution cites N.C. General Statutes, which “prohibits discrimination or retaliatory action against an employee because of the employee in good faith does or threatens to file a claim or complaint, initiate any inquiry, investigation, inspection, proceeding or other action, or testify or provide information to any person with respect” to numerous employment acts.

The resolution also states that the Town of Boone “wishes to advise” employees, administrators and elected officials of their responsibility to report suspected fraudulent and dishonest activity and that town holes those working for or on behalf of the town to the “highest standards of moral and ethical behavior.’

Read the entire proposed resolution here.