Boone Town Council To Meet on Thursday

By Jesse Wood

The Boone Town Council will meet on Thursday, July 20 at 5:30 p.m. Among the agenda items, the council will consider the “brunch bill,” which will allow alcohol sales to begin at 10 a.m. on Sunday in stores and restaurants.

The Boone Town Council will consider turning the two-way stop at Howard and Depot streets into a four-way stop. This is being considered “in advance of the final Howard Street plans and given the need to resurface Depot Street this year,” according to a memo from Rick Miller, director of Boone Public Works.

As for the brunch bill, town staff has already drafted an ordinance for the council to consider. The state legislature authorized local governments to allow the sale of alcohol beverages beginning at 10 a.m. on Sunday in late June.

The town’s draft ordinance states that the approval of this measure will allow “the hospitality community and retail merchants … to meet the needs of their customers; benefit small business community, bring people into business districts earlier in the day and generate increased tax revenues.”

The council will also recognize several individuals. Councilwoman Jennifer Teague is resigning because of a move out of town and she is being recognized for her service on the council. The council will also recognize individuals who served on town boards: John Prickett (Water Use Committee), Kristan Cockerill (Water Use Committee) and James Milner (Board of Adjustment).

View the entire meeting packet here and see agenda below. Also see a by-the-numbers presentation for the Town of Boone that Town Administration intern Tyler Cook prepared.