Boone Town Council To Meet on Thursday

By Jesse Wood

The Boone Town Council will meet for its regularly-scheduled meeting on Thursday, Feb. 16 at 5:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers at 1500 Blowing Rock Road.

Before council matters, the Town of Boone will recognize Ron Holste for his volunteer service on the town’s ABC Board and Judy Ferguson, who is retiring from the town’s Finance Department. The council will also hear presentations from Melissa Selby on the Community Care Clinic; Danny Wilcox on rail jam event proceeds; and the UNC School of Government Development Finance Initiative.

The council will consider a sewer service request from Appalachian State University on county-owned land off of Landfill Road. The university leases land from the county for a greenhouse. Activity has increased to the point that a restroom needs to be built for that facility. Since the N.C. Forest Service is hooked up to the town’s water and sewer services, a line is already located nearby. 

The council will consider cases heard at the January public hearing, such as the King and College LLC mixed-use development off of King Street; the Brown and Boone III zoning map amendment; and UDO text amendments related to the town’s extra-territorial jurisdiction (ETJ) reverting to the county’s jurisdiction.

Two other agenda items the council will address are speeding issues and pedestrian-safety concerns in the New Market Boulevard and Eastbrook/Westbrook roadways. After community-input sessions, the town’s transportation committee has made the following recommendations, according to a memo in Thursday’s meeting packet:

For New Market Boulevard, consider hiring “an on-call engineer for the purpose of a short-term striping plan removing the center turn lane and lowering the speed from 35 mph to 25 mph. Following an engineer’s analysis of the trial plan, re-pave and stripe the roadway according to the design deemed appropriate by the engineer. This study will cost an estimated $49,000.”

For the Eastbrook/Westbrook roadways, consider hiring “an engineering firm to do a traffic study to make recommendations for improvements to slow traffic and to make the area safe for pedestrians and bicyclists. This study will cost an estimated $59,000.”

For more info and to see the agenda and entire meeting packet, look below and click here.