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Boone Town Council To Meet Jan. 9 To Discuss Impacts of Abolishment of ETJ

By Jesse Wood

The Boone Town Council has scheduled a special meeting for Monday, Jan. 9 to discuss the impacts of the Supreme Court’s recent ruling abolishing the Town of Boone’s extraterritorial jurisdiction.

The meeting will take place at 9 a.m. in the Council Chambers at 1500 Blowing Rock Road and a portion of the meeting will be in closed session (a) and a portion in open session (b). See below.

According to the meeting notice, the purpose of the meeting is two-fold:


The meeting will take place hours before the Watauga County Board of Commissioners is set to hold a public hearing. The commissioners met last week to discuss the ruling and a potential a moratorium on the development of high-impact land uses in the ETJ area. A public hearing is required before adopting a moratorium. 

For more info on this issue, click here.