Boone Town Attorney Submits Letter of Resignation: ‘The Time Has Come For Me To Move On’

By Jesse Wood

Town Attorney Sam Furgiuele (bottom right) speaks during a joint meeting between the Watauga County Board of Commissioners and Boone Town Council in November 2013. Photo by Jesse Wood

Dec. 5, 2014. Town Attorney Sam Furgiuele submitted a letter of resignation with the town on Nov. 20 during closed session, according to the letter obtained from Mayor Andy Ball.

Furgiuele’s resignation is effective Dec. 31 or earlier if the town hires a replacement before the end of the year.

“The time has come for me to move on,” Furgiuele wrote. “It has been an honor to represent Boone these last 13 years, and I will do whatever I can to make the transition as easy as possible. It is difficult to express how much your support has meant to me, particularly in these last several years during which the political climate in Boone has been so toxic. I am truly grateful.”

In a statement on Friday, Ball extended the town’s “endless gratitude” to Furgiuele for his “tireless service and professional guidance” during his tenure.

“As Town Attorney, Sam has provided expert counsel to Town officials, and represented the interests of Town residents in courtrooms and in Council Chambers with the highest integrity and with tremendous skill. We wish Sam the best in all his endeavors,” Ball said.

Ball said that Furgiuele informed the Boone Town Council of his decision on Nov. 20 and that the council will name a new attorney when selected.

Furgiuele declined to comment on Friday.

The date of Dec. 31 coincides with the date Greg Young, outgoing town manager, is officially retiring after 23 years.

When Young was recognized by the Boone Town Council in open session on Nov. 20, Sam Furgiuele said, “I guess I learned about one percent of the law I know in law school. I learned about 10 percent in the first 25 years of practice, and the rest I learned from Greg Young.”

Read Furgiuele’s entire letter below.

Furgiuele Letter