Letter to the Community:
It has been a month since James “Martin” Roberts was reported missing. During that time an extensive amount of investigative work has been completed. We want the Roberts family and our community to know that we are diligently continuing the task at hand. Every day our team assigned to this case examines all of the probabilities and possibilities in an attempt to discover the facts behind Martin’s disappearance. We believe that we are close to accessing Martin’s electronic communications. This certainly should shed some light on this case.
One factor in the investigation has prompted this letter to the community. We have learned that there are periods of time where Martin’s whereabouts cannot be accounted for by his friends and roommates. This has led us to believe that there is a person in this community who has knowledge of Martin Roberts, but who may be hesitant to come forward. This person would have spent time with Martin during the weeks prior to Martin’s disappearance. To this person, “I want to speak with you – our conversation can be private, anonymous, and discrete.” Regardless of the circumstances, please call and provide the information we need. You can reach me directly at: 828-268-6920.
Yours in Service,
Dana Crawford, Chief of Police
For background on this story, click here.
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