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Boone Fire and Police Departments Surprise Children at Greenway Baptist Child Development Center on Thursday

Photo submitted

April 19, 2013. Children at Greenway Baptist Child Development Center in Boone were surprised with a visit by representatives from the Boone Fire and Police Departments on Thursday, April 18.  The firemen and officers came out to visit the children at Greenway Baptist CDC to celebrate the National Week of the Young Child, April 14 to 20.

The purpose of the week is to focus public attention on the needs of young children and their families and to recognize the early childhood programs and services that meet those needs. The children were treated to tours of the fire truck and an up close look at a patrol car.

The staff at Greenway Baptist CDC is grateful to the Boone Firemen and the Police Officers for taking time to come and visit our children. The staff at Greenway Baptist CDC works hard to provide a good structured environment for the children to learn and grow. The staff thanks the community for being so supportive of its daycare.