BlueCross BlueShield of NC CEO Brad Wilson Talks at ASU for Boyles Distinguished Lecture Series Oct. 25

Oct. 17, 2013. J. Bradley “Brad” Wilson, president and chief executive officer of Blue Cross and Blue Shield of North Carolina (BCBSNC), will be the speaker at a special co-presentation of the inaugural Blue Cross and Blue Shield Lecture and the 52nd Harlan E. Boyles Distinguished CEO Lecture at Appalachian State University.


Wilson’s speech is titled “Prescription for a Better Health Care System.”

The event, co-sponsored by the College of Health Sciences and the Walker College of Business, will be held Friday, Oct. 25, at. 10 a.m. in the Holmes Convocation Center on Appalachian’s campus. The public is invited. For more information call 828-262-2057.

A native of North Carolina, Wilson earned a bachelor’s degree from Appalachian State University, a master’s degree from Duke University and a Juris Doctorate degree from Wake Forest University School of Law.

He joined BCBSNC in 1995 and held a range of senior-level positions before being named president in 2010.  Prior to joining BCBSNC, Wilson practiced law and served as general counsel to Gov. Jim Hunt, directing the governor’s legislative strategy and heading his legal department.

Wilson chairs the board of directors of the National Institute for Health Care Management Foundation and works with the Council for Affordable Quality Healthcare to address health care challenges at the national level. He is director of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association, America’s Health Insurance Plans (AHIP), BCS Financial Corporation and Prime Therapeutics.

He chairs the Blue Cross and Blue Shield of North Carolina Foundation – an independent charitable organization that has invested nearly $90 million in community-based health and wellness efforts.

Wilson is a past chair of the University of North Carolina Board of Governors, treasurer of the North Carolina Chamber and board member of the Research Triangle Regional Partnership.

BCBSNC is a fully taxed, not-for-profit North Carolina company with headquarters in Chapel Hill and major operations centers in Durham and Winston-Salem. The company is the state’s largest health insurer, employing 4,000 North Carolinians and serving 3.7 million customers. 

The newly created Blue Cross and Blue Shield Lecture Series is funded by a portion of a $2 million grant awarded in 2011 by BCBSNC to the College of Health Sciences. 

The Harlan E. Boyles Lecture Series was established in 1988 and named in 1991 for the late Harlan E. Boyles, who served for 24 years as N.C. state treasurer.