Residents and visitors to the High Country are invited to the Blue Ridge Fiber Guild’s exhibit, Spring Into Summer. The event is scheduled at the Jones House, located at 604 King Street in downtown Boone from June 4 through June 30, and promises to inspire both artists and crafters.
The guild’s mission is to promote traditional craft and contemporary art in all fiber media and was chartered in the early ’80s with many of the original members remaining active. It seems that fiber is part of this group’s DNA and will be on display in the show. Members hail from Ashe, Caldwell, East Tennessee, and Watauga and meet monthly. Most recently, the guild has held its meetings on Zoom and looks forward to getting back to in-person meetings in the near future. No experience is necessary for membership and interested parties should visit the BRFG website at blueridgefiberguild.org for membership information, meetings and upcoming workshops.
A wide variety of skills will be on display and will include weaving, spinning, knitting, dyeing, felting, and quilting. Plan your visit to see what this passionate group of crafters and artists have been up to. Demonstrations of different media including spinning, weaving, knitting and more will be scheduled throughout the month. Contact the Jones House at 828-268-6280 or visit the guild website: blueridgefiberguild.org for more information.

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