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Blowing Rock Town Council To Hold Public Hearing on Tuesday, See Agenda

The Blowing Rock Town Council will meet at 1036 Main Street on Sept. 8 at 6 p.m. See agenda below.



Highway 321 Valley Boulevard Construction Update

Speaker: Kevin Rothrock, Planning Director for Kipp Turner, Maymead Construction

2014 General Obligation Bond Referendum Update

Speaker:  Scott Fogleman, Town Manager


Speaker:  Scott Fogleman, Town Manager

  1. Fiscal Year 2015-2016 Vehicle and Capital Equipment Financing Package Bid Award

Speaker:  Scott Fogleman, Town Manager

Vehicles and capital equipment approved as part of the current fiscal year 2015-2016 budget as funded with installment purchase financing have been packaged together in order to solicit proposals from ten area banks.  Four banks submitted proposals and staff recommends the financing bid be awarded to First Citizens with a 1.51% annual interest rate for a four year term with the amount not to exceed $435,000.

PUBLIC HEARINGS (Council may take action on each item following each respective public hearing)

  1. Removing Single-Family and Duplexes from Design Standard Regulations

Speaker:  Kevin Rothrock, Planning Director

During the 2015 session, the NC General Assembly adopted Senate Bill 25 which placed limits on how local governments can regulate building design elements including color and materials for single-family, townhouse and duplex structures. To be consistent with the recently approved Session Law 2015-86 and the NC General Statute, staff recommends that Article 21 of the Blowing Rock Land Use Ordinance be amended to remove single-family, duplex and townhome structures from commercial design standard regulation. Following the public hearing, Council may take action.


Any items moved from the consent agenda will be discussed during this portion of the agenda.


Prior to the meeting, anyone wishing to speak shall complete an index card supplied by the Town Clerk, on which they will provide their name, address, telephone number and the topic they wish to address. In deference to all who wish to speak, each speaker will be asked to limit his or her comments to no more than three (3) minutes.


An executive session is not currently planned.