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Blowing Rock Town Council Meets Tuesday, To Consider $4.6M Bond Issuance

By Jesse Wood

The Blowing Rock Town Council will meet on Tuesday, Feb. 9, at 6 p.m. for its regularly scheduled monthly meeting, which takes place in Town Hall on Main Street.

The Blowing Rock Town Council will consider a resolution required for the issuance of $4.6 million in bonds for general improvements to the town’s infrastructure. This is related to the bond items approved by Blowing Rock voters in November 2014. During that election, four bond items (related to transportation, parks and rec, water and sewer infrastructure) worth $13 million were approved by citizens.

Town Manager Scott Fogleman said that the first issuance is going towards a mix of all four categories. However, Fogleman said that the first big project is the Main Street streetscape improvement project, which happens to be another agenda item to be addressed by council. He added that the next issuance is planned two years from now.

According to a memo from Fogleman in the meeting packet, “Three bids have been received for the Downtown Streetscape Phases 5 and 6 capital improvement projects.  Greene Construction, Inc. was the lowest responsive, responsible bidder with a bid of $382,922.77.  Staff recommends award of the work to Greene Construction for $382,922.77.  Funds currently appropriated for the project are sufficient to fund this work in addition to the recommended 10% contingency of $38,293.  It is further recommended that bids taken for the Laurel Lane sidewalk replacement project be rejected and that this project be rebid informally and that it be reconsidered for award at the March 8 Council meeting.”


See the rest of the agenda below:

Town of Blowing Rock Town Council Regular Meeting

1036 Main Street, Blowing Rock, NC

February 9, 2016

6:00 p.m.

Please note that the Holiday Inn Express Conditional Use Permit topic is on the agenda for this meeting as the official notification of the Planning Board recommendation only.  It will not be discussed by Council.  Because it is a Conditional Use Permit, the Town Council must hear the case in a quasi-judicial hearing format.  Because that hearing is not scheduled for this meeting, no one will be able to speak on any topic related to this case (e.g. traffic, landscaping, etc.).  Once it is known which meeting the case will be scheduled for, the public hearing will be advertised and the item will be clearly identified as such on the agenda.


Mayor J.B. Lawrence


January 12, 2016 Regular Council Meeting

January 17, 18, 19, 2016 Annual Council Retreat


Oath of Office for New Police Officer

Speaker: Tony Jones, Police Chief

Highway 321 Valley Boulevard Construction Update

Speaker: Kipp Turner, Maymead Construction


Speaker:  Scott Fogleman, Town Manager

  1. Budget Ordinance Amendment to Account For Various Items

Speaker:  Scott Fogleman, Town Manager

A budget ordinance amendment has been prepared for Council to consider the recognition of $1,500 of utility franchise tax revenue expected over and above the budgeted amount and a $6,000 grant secured by the Blue Ridge Conservancy through the NC State Parks and Recreation Division for maintenance along the Glen Burney Trail.

  1. General Obligation Bond Referendum Resolution

Speaker:  Scott Fogleman, Town Manager

A resolution has been prepared for Council consideration providing approval for the issuance of $4,635,000 of General Obligation Public Improvement Bonds, series 2015 for the Town of Blowing Rock.  This issuance is associated with execution of a portion of the $13,000,000 of general obligation bonds approved by voters in November, 2014.

  1. Surplus Equipment Resolution

Speaker:  Scott Fogleman, Town Manager

From time to time various pieces of equipment or office furniture are no longer needed.  Council is authorized to sell personal property by electronic auction upon adoption of a resolution.  At this time, a 2010 Ford Crown Victoria win poor condition has been identified for surplus since the vehicle has been replaced and is no longer in service.

  1. Notification of Planning Board Recommendation Regarding Holiday Inn Express

Speaker:  Kevin Rothrock, Planning Director

The Planning Board has recommended denial of this request to install a “right in only” access to the side/rear of the property from Ransom Street, and for the applicant to pursue other alternatives.  This agenda item has been prepared to officially notify Council of that recommendation.  The applicant is currently reviewing options and this case will need to have its required public hearing at the March 8, 2016 Council meeting in order to be considered.

  1. Hunter’s Heroes Memorial Race Date of Saturday May 21, 2016

Speaker:  Jennifer Brown, Parks and Recreation Director

A request has been received from the Hunter’s Heroes Memorial Race Committee to hold their 4th annual 5k/10 mile run on Saturday, May 21, 2016.  The 5k/10 mile run will begin at 8:30 am at the Watauga County Sherriff’s Department in Boone.  The 5k will end at the Boone Police Department and the 10 mile will end at the Blowing Rock Police Department.  Afterwards there will be activities in Memorial Park for participants, their families, and other supporters.  The committee is working with our staff on the details of the race and events in Memorial Park.

  1. Report of 2015 Taxes Uncollected To Date

Speaker:  Nicole Norman, Finance Officer

Real property tax billed for the 2015 tax year (fiscal year 2015-2016) totaled $3,612,786.38.  Through February 2, 2016, $3,429,461.31 or 94.9% has been collected.  Consistent with NC General Statute 105-369, and following Council approval, staff will send an individual letter to each property owner and allow at least 30 days for payment prior to publishing the list of real property owners and amounts still unpaid as of that date (projected to be April 18, 2016).

  1. Grant Agreement for Stormwater Mapping Project

Speaker:  Scott Fogleman, Town Manager

The High Country Council of Governments (COG) has successfully secured a 205(j) grant from the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality on behalf of the Town of Blowing Rock to map the Town’s stormwater collection system.  This work is similar to that already completed for the sewer system and that currently taking place for the water system.  Included with the same grant, the COG secured funding for the Town of Banner Elk and they will have a matching requirement as well.  The total project cost for the entire effort is $15,000 for the Blowing Rock and Banner Elk systems combined.  The project match for the Town of Blowing Rock portion is $2,494 and is recommended to be included in the upcoming fiscal year 2016-2017 budget.  An agreement with the COG has been prepared for Council approval documenting this work scope and financial arrangement.

Any items removed from the consent agenda will be discussed during this portion of the agenda.


No public hearings are currently scheduled.


  1. Board Appointments

Speaker:  J.B. Lawrence, Mayor

Applications to fill positions coming up for renewal on the Town of Blowing Rock Boards and Commissions have been reviewed by Town Council for consideration and a final list has been prepared for Council approval.  Once approved, new appointees will begin serving at respective meetings in March, 2016.

  1. Ice House Process to Consider Request for Proposals

Speaker:  Kevin Rothrock, Planning Director

Staff has prepared a Request for Proposals (RFP) to lease the historic Ice House located at 140 Maple Street.  The Ice House has been vacant for several years, with the exception of serving as a staging office for the Blowing Rock Chamber of Commerce for the Blue Ridge Wine Festival activities. The RFP will seek to identify potential tenants that desire to utilize the interior space for office or retail purposes that will be most compatible with the downtown area.

  1. Bid Award for Streetscape Capital Improvement Project on Main Street

Speaker:  Doug Chapman, Town Engineer

Three bids have been received for the Downtown Streetscape Phases 5 and 6 capital improvement projects.  Greene Construction, Inc. was the lowest responsive, responsible bidder with a bid of $382,922.77.  Staff recommends award of the work to Greene Construction for $382,922.77.  Funds currently appropriated for the project are sufficient to fund this work in addition to the recommended 10% contingency of $38,293.  It is further recommended that bids taken for the Laurel Lane sidewalk replacement project be rejected and that this project be rebid informally and that it be reconsidered for award at the March 8 Council meeting.


Prior to the meeting, anyone wishing to speak shall complete an index card supplied by the Town Clerk, on which they will provide their name, address, telephone number and the topic they wish to address. In deference to all who wish to speak, each speaker will be asked to limit his or her comments to no more than three (3) minutes.


An executive session is not currently planned.