March 11, 2014. The Blowing Rock Town Council meets Tuesday night at 5 p.m. in Town Hall on Main Street.
Take a look at the agenda with live links below for more information on each individual topic of discussion.
Mayor J.B. Lawrence
February 11, 2014 Regular Council Meeting
Highway 321 Valley Boulevard Construction Update
Speaker: Kipp Turner, Maymead Construction
This brief presentation is planned for each regular Council meeting to provide the public with an update regarding the project activities accomplished in the prior month, those planned for the coming month, and an update regarding current expectations of the overall project timing and completion.
Speaker: Scott Fogleman, Town Manager
This is a new section of the agenda beginning with the February 2014 meeting for those items deemed non-controversial and necessary in conducting regular municipal operations. A single vote may be taken for the approval of all consent agenda items. Any items pulled from the consent agenda will be moved to the beginning of the discussion section of the agenda.
1. Blood Sweat and Gears Bike Race Date of Saturday June 28, 2014
Speaker: Aaron Miller, Police Captain
The Blood Sweat and Gears annual 100 mile charity bicycle race is planned for Saturday June 28, 2014. The organization has requested Council approval of this date for the event to travel through Blowing Rock. All riders are expected to be through Blowing Rock by 8:30 a.m. The Blowing Rock Police Department has prepared a traffic plan that will accommodate the group. No road or lane closures are anticipated.
Speaker: Jennifer Brown, Park and Recreation Director
The annual Shriner’s Parade is currently planned to take place Saturday May 31st at 2:00 p.m. as part of the annual Blowing Rock Summer Ceremonial activities. The organization has requested Council approve of this date and time for the annual event.
3. Approving Laurin Carter to Fill Vacant Seat on the Board of Adjustment
Speaker: Scott Fogleman, Town Manager
Tim Ford served as an alternate on the Board of Adjustment prior to his moving from Blowing Rock. Laurin Carter has agreed to fill Tim Ford’s vacant seat which will run through February, 2015. Staff recommends Council confirm this appointment.
4. Recognizing a $400 Donation to Install Power and Light Illuminating the American Flag in Memorial Park
Speaker: Scott Fogleman, Town Manager
Mrs. Annette Greene-Mayes has donated $400 to the Town of Blowing Rock to improve the lighting of the American Flag in Memorial Park. Staff recommends Council recognize this revenue and appropriate it for expenditure in the Park Repair and Maintenance account of the Parks and Recreation Department.
1. Martin House Addition and Modification
(CUP 2014-01 Martin House Cottage Renovations)
Speaker: Kevin Rothrock, Planning Director
This quasi-judicial public hearing requires that all those who wish to speak during the public hearing be sworn in by the Town Clerk prior to speaking. The purpose of this public hearing is to receive public input and comments regarding a request from Blowing Rock Resort Ventures, LLC for a conditional use permit to construct a small addition and make exterior modifications to the cottage units at Martin House Properties located on the corner of Main Street and Laurel Lane. At its meeting on February 20, 2014 the Planning Board recommended approval with the condition that 3 to 5 rhododendrons be added along the rear of the building adjacent to Laurel Lane. Following staff’s presentation and the public hearing, Council may take action.
2. Modifications to the Former Goodwin Weavers Building
(CUP 2014-02 Tussell Land Company – exterior building renovations)
Speaker: Kevin Rothrock, Planning Director
This quasi-judicial public hearing requires that all those who wish to speak during the public hearing be sworn in by the Town Clerk prior to speaking. The purpose of this public hearing is to receive public input and comments regarding a request from Tussell Land Company for a conditional use permit to make substantial exterior modifications to the former Goodwin Weavers building. At its meeting on February 20, 2014 the Planning Board recommended approval. Following staff’s presentation and the public hearing, Council may take action.
1. Wonderland Trail Roadway Repair Bid Award
Speaker: Doug Chapman, Town Engineer
The Wonderland Trail Road suffered damage as a result of the heavy rains in July of 2013. That event has since been declared a natural disaster which made qualifying repairs eligible for Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and North Carolina Department of Public Safety (NCDPS) funding. Council has already appropriated these funding sources for the Wonderland Trail repairs totaling $270,000 ($202,500 or 75% FEMA funding + $67,500 or 25% NCDPS funding). The design for this project has been completed and bids advertised to be received on February 4, 2014. While six prospective bidders had bid documents in hand, no bids were received at the scheduled bid opening time of 2:00 p.m. on Tuesday February 4, 2014. Prospective bidders were again contacted and bids were advertised and one bid was received at the scheduled bid opening time of 2:00 p.m. on Tuesday February 25, 2014. Uretek IRC,
Mid-Atlantic was the lone responsive, responsible bidder and staff recommends award to them in the amount of $329,972.99. Accordingly, staff also recommends Council increase the FEMA and NCDPS funding currently appropriated for the project by $104,972.99 to accommodate the total estimated costs of the project including the construction bid and the survey, design, bidding, and construction administration of $45,000 for a total estimated project cost of $374,972.99. The additional $104,972.99 revenue appropriation for the project should be broken down as follows: FEMA (75%) $78,729.74 and NC DPS (25%) $26,243.25.
2. Capital Planning Initiative
Speaker: Scott Fogleman, Town Manager
In order to itemize and quantify potential capital project and related funding needs in the upcoming fiscal year 2015 capital budget and ten year capital improvement plan cycle, staff recommends working with McGill Associates to help determine project scopes and estimated costs in the following capital project categories: water distribution lines, sewer collection system lines, water and sewer plants, ditch lines along Town streets, integrating utility and ditch work with the paving plan, streetscape along Main and Sunset, parks and recreation, and sidewalks and pedestrian connectivity. McGill Associates is extremely familiar with the Town’s infrastructure and is uniquely prepared to perform this work scope efficiently and effectively. The estimated cost to provide these services is $19,600 and would take about one month to complete once initiated. Staff recommends recognizing and appropriating $19,600 of previously unrecognized sales tax revenue for fiscal year 2014 for this purpose. It is expected that this investment in the identification of our community’s capital infrastructure needs will provide value for years to come.
3. Tree Removal to Help Provide Safer Environment on Town Properties
Speaker: Jennifer Brown, Parks and Recreation Director
Over the years, a number of trees in the vicinity of Town Hall, Broyhill Park and Davant Field have reached the point where they are either already dead or in very bad condition, making them unsafe as they are in or near locations where there are passersby. Our staff, including Certified Arborist Tom Bolick, has worked with three different vendors to thoroughly identify the specific trees that need to be removed and we have received pricing quotes from each. To take advantage of the economies of scale associated with removing all of the identified trees in succession, staff recommends recognizing and appropriating $23,000 of previously unrecognized sales tax revenue for fiscal year 2014 to move forward with the low bidder to accomplish this safety initiative.
Prior to the meeting, anyone wishing to speak shall complete an index card supplied by the Town Clerk, on which they will provide their name, address, telephone number and the topic they wish to address. In deference to all who wish to speak, each speaker will be asked to limit his or her comments to no more than three (3) minutes.
Executive session will be called if necessary.
Please note the Tuesday April 8th Council meeting start time will be 5:30 p.m.