The Blowing Rock Town Council will meet at 6 p.m. on Tuesday, Aug. 9, in Town Hall on Main Street. See the agenda below.
An next week, the Blowing Rock Chamber of Commerce will host the State of the Town on Tuesday, Aug. 16, at 5 p.m. at Blowing Rock Art & History Museum to hear updates from the Town of Blowing Rock and the Chamber of Commerce, as well as reports from the TDA and NCDOT.
Mayor J.B. Lawrence
July 12, 2016 Regular Council Meeting
July 19, 2016 Special Council Meeting
Highway 321 Valley Boulevard Construction Update
Speaker: Kipp Turner, Maymead Construction
Middle Fork Watershed Plan Summary
Speaker: George Santucci, New River Conservancy
Speaker: Scott Fogleman, Town Manager
- Fiscal Year 2016-2017 Vehicle and Capital Equipment Financing Package Bid Award
Speaker: Nicole Norman, Finance Officer
Vehicles and capital equipment approved as part of the current fiscal year 2016-2017 budget as funded with installment purchase financing have been packaged together in order to solicit proposals from nine area banks. Bid results are expected Monday, August 8. Submitted proposals and along with staff’s recommendation for award will be presented at the Council meeting.
- Art in the Park Date Change in 2017 From May 13 to May 20
Speaker: Nicole Norman, Finance Officer
The originally planned May 13, 2017 Art in the Park date occurs on Mother’s Day weekend and it is also the same weekend as ASU graduation. Upon further review of the impact on these events and Art in the Park attendance along with traffic impacts in the High Country, the Chamber has asked to move the May date to May 20, 2017.
Speaker: Kevin Rothrock, Planning Director
Mr. Bert Myers is requesting Town Council authorization to replace the cedar shake roof on Sunny Rock restaurant with a light brown metal standing seam roof. Last year Council approved a change of the roofing material on the Foggy Rock Restaurant to a charcoal gray metal standing seam. According to the Land Use Ordinance, if the change of roofing material is to metal standing seam for more than 25% of the roof, Council approval is required.
Speaker: Kevin Rothrock, Planning Director
New River Falls Property Owners Association is requesting approval of a fence permit that would authorize the construction of a fence between their property and Valley Blvd. The proposed fence is designed to provide privacy and sound deflection from the highway noise. The proposed fence would replace an eight-foot high fence that was removed due to the Hwy 321 widening project and will be between 8 feet and 12 feet high. There are two (2) proposed finishes for the outside of the fence. One design would match the simulated stone formliners on the 321 project, and the other design would be similar to the lap-sided finish of the previous wood fence. Since the proposed fence is taller than 6 feet and taller than the previous fence, the Land Use Code recommends review and approval by Town Council.
Prior to the meeting, anyone wishing to speak shall complete an index card supplied by the Town Clerk, on which they will provide their name, address, telephone number and the topic they wish to address. In deference to all who wish to speak, each speaker will be asked to limit his or her comments to no more than three (3) minutes.
An executive session is not currently planned.