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Blowing Rock Town Council To Meet Tuesday

The Blowing Rock Town Council will meet Tuesday, March 14, at Town Hall, located at 1036 Main Street in downtown Blowing Rock. The meeting starts at 6 p.m. Check out the agenda and packet information below.

  1. Call to Order
  1. Adoption of Agenda
  1. Special Recognition
    1. Chief Tony Jones presenting
  1. Approval of Minutes
    1. February 14, 2017
    2. February 14, 2017 Closed Session Minutes
  1. Consent Agenda
    1. Tax Releases
      1. 2 for One, Inc.
      2. Echostar Satellite LLC
      3. Carl Robert Underwood
    2. Sunset Drive Streetscape & Gateway Design Agreement Draft
      1. Destination by Design
    3. Surplus Equipment Request – News Racks
  1. Public Hearing
    1. Proposed Change to Land Use Code – Metal Roofing Review (Kevin Rothrock)
    2. Proposed Change to Land Use Code – BRAAC Membership (Kevin Rothrock)
  1. Old Business
    1. Sprint CUP Amendment Follow-up – Plan for permanent equipment (Kevin Rothrock)
  1. New Business
    1. Blowing Rock Horseshow Presentation – Mr. Maurice Ewing
    2. Tax Interest Release – Request (Manager)
    3. Consideration of Audit Contract (Manager)
  1. Departmental Reports
    1. ABC Board
    2. Financial Report
    3. Fire & Rescue
    4. McGill Associates
    5. Parks & Recreation
    6. Planning & Inspections
    7. Police Department
    8. Public Works
    9. Water Treatment Plant
  1. Speakers from the Floor

Prior to the meeting, anyone wishing to speak shall complete an index card supplied by the Town Clerk, on which they will provide their name, address, telephone number and the topic they wish to address. In deference to all who wish to speak, each speaker will be asked to limit his or her comments to no more than three (3) minutes.

  1. Adjournment