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Blowing Rock Town Council To Meet Tuesday

The Blowing Rock Town Council will meet on Tuesday, Dec. 13 at 1036 Main Street in downtown Blowing Rock for its regularly-scheduled meeting in December. The meeting starts at 6 p.m. See the entire agenda below. 


Mayor J.B. Lawrence


November 9, 2016 Regular Council Meeting and Closed Session Minutes

November 14, 16, 28 and December 5, 2016 Special Council Meeting and Closed Session Minutes 


Highway 321 Valley Boulevard Construction Update

Speaker: Kipp Turner, Maymead Construction

Upcoming Board and Commission Appointment Process

Speaker: Scott Fogleman, Town Manager


Speaker:  Scott Fogleman, Town Manager

  1. Budget Amendment

Speaker:  Nicole Norman, Finance Officer

Two budget ordinance amendments have been identified for Council consideration:  Grant funds of $5,000 from the Blowing Rock Village Foundation for winter lighting in Memorial Park and $2,850 of Blowing Rock Appearance Advisory Commission fund balance to fund the purchase of a Swamp White Oak tree to replace a dead Maple tree in Memorial Park.  This cost includes a 7 inch caliper tree and the planting of the tree in the Park.

  1. Tax Releases and Refunds  

Speaker:  Nicole Norman, Finance Officer

Various tax adjustments over time become apparent and present themselves in the form of requests for releases (adjustments) and refunds.  There are currently twelve different entities with tax releases totaling $22,747.72 and ten different entities with tax refunds totaling $17,380.95 have been identified for Council approval.


  1. Tussell Land Company – Conditional Use Permit CUP 2014-02 Amendment

Speaker: Kevin Rothrock, Planning Director

Tussell Land Company is requesting an amendment to conditional use permit No. 2014-02 to construct an additional 2,592 square foot storage building at 176 W. Cornish Road on the north east corner of the property. This building will be constructed within the floodplain but will meet the elevation requirements in that the finished floor will be at least one (1) foot above the base flood elevation as required by Town’s Floodplain Ordinance and the National Flood Insurance Program.  The property is zoned GB, General Business and is located in the WS-IV-PA water supply watershed, and the regulated floodplain and floodway. The property is further identified by Watauga County PIN 2817-08-9036-000.  The Planning Board approved the requested amendment at its meeting on November 17, 2016.


  1. Presentation of the Fiscal Year 2015-2016 Audit

Speaker:  Nicole Norman, Finance Officer

The Fiscal Year 2015-2016 financial statements for the Town of Blowing Rock have been completed and approved by the North Carolina Local Government Commission.  Mr. Jason Carpenter of the accounting firm Combs, Tennant, and Carpenter, P.C. will be present to officially present the audited financial statements to Town Council.

  1. Broyhill Park Gazebo Point Landscaping Project

Speaker:  Jennifer Brown, Parks and Recreation Director  

Improved erosion control around the Gazebo point through the installation of a small retaining wall made of natural boulders along the edge is being planned to greatly enhance the aesthetic appeal of the area and improve erosion control.  This small project has been identified as a concise/packaged work scope totaling $35,000 that can leverage the $30,000 Broyhill Foundation grant received earlier this year along with a $2,000 grant recently received from the Blowing Rock Community Foundation and another $3,500 from the Blowing Rock Appearance Advisory Commission.

  1. Water Plant Chemical Feed Project Repair Bid Award

Speaker:  Doug Chapman, Town Engineer  

The Town’s water treatment plant is in need of repairs to its chemical feed systems.  These repairs generally consist of replacement of the existing alum and caustic day tanks and chemical feed pumps.  Three bids have been received and staff recommends bid award to Greene Construction in the amount of $71,213 along with $5,000 for contingency and $10,000 for engineering services for a total of $86,213 to be funded with an appropriation from fund balance within the utility fund.


Prior to the meeting, anyone wishing to speak shall complete an index card supplied by the Town Clerk, on which they will provide their name, address, telephone number and the topic they wish to address. In deference to all who wish to speak, each speaker will be asked to limit his or her comments to no more than three (3) minutes.


      An executive session is currently planned.