Oct. 14, 2013. Courtesy of the Blowing Rock Police Department, here is the weekly “Brief Sheet,” compiled by Capt. Aaron Miller.
The High County Operation Medicine Cabinet will take place Saturday October 14, 2012. Blowing Rock residents may take prescription drugs that are outdated or no longer needed to Food Lion in Blowing Rock between the hours of 10 am and 2pm. Blowing Rock Police officers will be on hand to take the prescriptions. The High Country Operation Medicine Cabinet is an initiative between several local agencies and organization to keep prescription drugs away from our children and out of our rivers.
For more information call 704-277-6055 or visit www.drugtakebackday.com.
Abuse of prescription drugs continues to be a serious problem with teens today. While studies may vary, with some showing that the number of teens using prescription drugs could be as high as 20 percent, it is a widely accepted fact that prescription drugs are the most abused drugs among teens. These drugs come all come from the medicine cabinets of parents, grandparents and other relatives. Please help keep prescription drugs out of the hands of children.
David Joseph Longnecker, 65, of Boone was arrested on October 1, 2013. Longnecker was arrested after neighbors reported seeing a man taking property from a home under foreclosure on Skyland Drive. Longnecker was charged with felony breaking and entering and larceny. Longnecker was held at the Watauga County Detention Center on a $7,500 secured bond.
Larcenies at other home under foreclosure are being investigated by area law enforcement agencies. Any persons who have had personal property removed from a home under foreclosure are encouraged to contact your local law enforcement agency.
Jordan Howell, 23, of Hubert NC was arrested on October 11, 2013. Howell was arrested on several warrants from Onslow County. The warrants included robbery with a dangerous weapon, burglary and conspiracy to commit robbery. Howell was held at the Watauga County Detention Center on a $75,000 secured bond.