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Blowing Rock Historical Society Seeks Artists for Annual Summer Program

The deadline for application into the Blowing Rock Historical Society’s ninth annual Artists in Residence program is approaching.

“This program is a great opportunity for artists to experience a gallery show and to demonstrate and talk about their work to other artists as well as town visitors,” said Rita White, president of the Blowing Rock Historical Society (BRHS).

The Artists in Residence program will take place from July 15, 2018 to September 25, 2018 in Edgewood Cottage in Blowing Rock. The deadline for application submissions is March 31, 2018. Artists must live at lease three months of the year in one of the following counties: Watauga, Ashe, Avery, Wilkes, Caldwell, Burke, Catawba, or Alleghany.

“What I liked most about this program was the opportunity to meet so many people, both locally and beyond,” said Dr. Earl Davis, an Artists in Residence Program alumni, “Visitors were very gracious and some even bought my art.”

For eight weeks, Edgewood Cottage will host regional artists in a studio setting for the ninth annual Artists in Residence series. Edgewood Cottage was the first home and studio of Elliot Daingerfield and where he held his “Painting Lady” classes at the turn of the 20th century. His legacy continues with this program that will feature local artists during the summer months.

Visit local area arts councils or email Rita White at brockhistorical@gmail.com to obtain an application.

The Blowing Rock Historical Society was founded in 1985 to preserve and protect the historical character of the town. Ongoing efforts include recording data of historic significance to Blowing Rock, serving as a resource for deposition of furnishings and artifacts, and rallying to preserve historical buildings and sites.  New members are always welcome.