By Jesse Wood
Jan. 24, 2014. Following an uproar from residents of Green Hill Circle, the Blowing Rock Town Council unanimously decided to immediately cease researching the possibility of installing a 100-foot public safety communications and cellular tower on Green Hill, according to Town Manager Scott Fogleman on Friday.
The decision was decided at the Blowing Rock Town Council’s annual retreat earlier this week.
“Green Hill is a visually prominent part of our area. Consequently, the council has decided that its strong contribution to the beautiful views in the community should not be risked with the addition of a tower,” Fogleman wrote in email announcement to interested residents and media. “Research into other possible avenues to help improve public safety telecommunications in our service area is expected to continue, however locating a tower on Green Hill will not be under further consideration.”
Speaking on Friday afternoon, Fogleman said that while staff is currently working on a coverage map analysis, no other specific locations have been identified for the tower so far.
This was great news for at least one Blowing Rock resident, who wrote in an email: “We are very pleased, [and] grateful to the council for this very positive action to preserve our fine mountain views and neighborhoods.”
For more information about the proposed tower and other related items such as hidden antennas in town, click to a prior article.