Bethany United Methodist Church Ding-A-Lings to Present a Holiday Handbell Concert Sunday, Dec. 15

Dec. 9, 2013. The sounds of Christmas will come alive when the Bethany United Methodist Church Adult Handbell Choir, The Ding-a-Lings, presents a concert of holiday music on Sunday evening, Dec. 15, 2013 at 7:00 p.m. in the Sanctuary of the church.

imgresThe Ding-a-Lings were formed in 1985 and are under the direction of Jane Lonon.  The annual holiday concert has become a favorite for audiences of all ages and features sacred and secular Christmas music. The program opens with a handbell processional and “Joyous Spirit,” a medley of familiar carols.   The concert includes a blues version of “Deck the Hall,” the beautiful, haunting “What Child Is This?,” ”Silent Night,” “Rudolph, the Red Nosed Reindeer,” “Jingle Bells” and other sacred and secular favorites of the holiday season.  Several pieces offer instrumental accompaniments including Allison Weaver on the piano, John Chapman on harmonica, Ginger Chapman on flute, and various percussion instruments.  The concert will open and close with the piano holiday selection favorites by Joyce Kilby.

The handbell choir consists of 15 ringers manipulating five octaves of handbells and three octaves of hand chimes.  Members of the choir are Ginger Chapman, John Chapman, Alice Collins, Pat Hopkins, Kathy Howell, Dana Johnson, Heather Judson, Jennifer Judson, Grady Lonon, Matthew Lonon, Becky Marsten, Edie Miller, Pat Morrison, Burt Prange, and Sheila Walter. 

The Ding-a-Lings are celebrating 28 years of handbell ringing at Bethany.  Since 1985 forty plus individuals have been a part of the choir; several original members are still active in the group.  The Ding-a-Lings participate in Massed Ringing Festivals and regularly attend regional workshops and events.  The concert is free and open to the community.  Bethany Methodist Church is located on Highway 194 in the Baldwin Community.  For more information, call Bethany at 877-2801 or Jane Lonon at 877-5534.

Community Calendar                                                    

A concert of Christmas selections will be presented by the Adult Handbell Choir

of Bethany Methodist Church on Sunday, December 15th at 7:00 p.m. in the

church sanctuary.  The church is located on Highway 194 South in the Baldwin



Both sacred and secular holiday favorites will be performed by the 15 member

Handbell Choir, known as the “Ding-a-Lings”.  The community is invited to enjoy

this unique musical program including selections like “Joyous Spirit”  and “Rudolph, the Red Nosed Reindeer”. 

The choir is under the direction of Jane Lonon.


Call Bethany Methodist Church for more information at 877-2801.  The concert is

free and open to the community.