Banner Elk’s First Firehouse Fundraiser Sizzles

Banner Elk Fire Chief Tyler Burr, Firefighter Austin Willis, and Board President George Wright with young firefighter recruit Cooper. Photo Submitted.

The inaugural Banner Elk Firehouse Fundraiser featuring the storytelling musical Always Nina raised $7,781 for Banner Elk Volunteer Fire Rescue during the three shows. The total surpassed the $5,000 goal and enables the department to quickly purchase a much-needed rescue litter and a double clutch twin tension rope system kit.

“We are taken back by the immense amount of support we received from the shows performed in the fire department’s honor,” says Banner Elk Fire Chief Tyler Burr. “Exceeding our goal by so much enables us to buy two of the large ticket items needed to further our mission of protecting the public. The items will be purchased this week and put into service as soon as they arrive. The result of the community’s support will certainly make the difference in many lives.”

The show was held at and sponsored by Banner Elk Presbyterian Church. “Always Nina: A Tennessee Story and Songbook” featured their choral director Nina Allbert telling hilarious and heart touching stories from her life, many of them in song accompanied by her band. It received rave reviews from audiences with plenty of laughter, tears and standing ovations at each show.

“Always Nina was a very entertaining performance by a very talented Nina,” says Banner Elk Mayor Brenda Lyerly. “I am so proud of the generosity and support our community has given to the Banner Elk Fire and Rescue. I am also very impressed with the Banner Elk Presbyterian Church community for their support of this event and the picnic they provided to our fire department volunteers. Our Banner Elk community has shown how much we appreciate our fire department members and all they do for us.”

The next events for Banner Elk Fire Rescue are the Memorial Run/Walk and Open House on September 10. For more information, go to

Courtesy of Banner Elk Presbyterian Church.

Nina Allbert singing of the songs about growing up with White Bluff, Tennessee. Photo submitted.
Banner Elk Firefighter Megan Lewis gives the thumbs up as they share information with attendees about volunteering. Photo submitted.