The Avery County Humane Society Reports Record Breaking Feline Adoptions for the Month of August

Sept. 24, 2013. August was a nice surprise for all of us when we ended the month with a record-breaking 105 adoptions. We owe a debt of gratitude to the Bill and Kathy Avery Foundations for sponsoring our cat promotion which helped 65 cats find new homes in August.

One hundred percent of our dogs and cats came from Avery County. Fifty four percent were adopted back to Avery County residents and 46 percent were adopted outside of Avery County, according to executive director Bruce Malfatone. 

imgres-1Charlene Calhoun, shelter manager, said, “the Bill and Kathy Avery Foundation sponsored free spay/neuter for Avery County cats. The goal is to spay/neuter 1,000 cats. Linville Animal Hospital, Avery Animal Hospital and Humane Alliance are all helping to make this goal a reality. So far, we have spayed, neutered or scheduled over 200 cats to be fixed. This is only for Avery County residents, so please call us for details if you are an Avery County resident and have an unfixed cat. 

We are hoping this promotion alleviates next year the same time of kitten explosion we experienced this year. We had so many cats that eventually there was no place to put them and we had to start turning some away. Cats can start reproducing at four months of age and have five litters of kittens a year. With as many as six kittens per litter, one cat and produce 30 kittens a year. They can go into heat while they are still nursing a litter.”

“This year has been full of pure determination and triumphs. I am very proud of the increase in intakes and the 27 percent increase in adoptions. We also have a 16 percent decrease in euthanasia and have maintained being the second lowest in euthanasia in our region of the state. These numbers are not easy to control. With the help from the Avery County Humane Society staff, volunteers and supporters, we will continue on the path of higher adoptions while lowering euthanasia,” Malfatone continued. 

Bruce added the Humane Society sponsored a Hoe Down fundraiser that was well attended. Thanks to all who attended or donated their time or money to this event. It was a fun and successful night and we look forward to another one next year. Be sure to keep an eye on our available animals for adoption on our website. We keep our website up to date and you can also look at the animals on Facebook, Petfinder, Adopt-a-Pet and now on Pinterest. Soon, we will be sharing current news on Twitter. The Humane Society is a privately funded organization and thanks to our donors, we are doing our best to take care of animals in Avery County. Without donors we simply could not do it,” he concluded.