Authentic ‘Mayberry Patrol Car’ Visits Boone Mall

By Madison Fisler Lewis

Nov. 6, 2014. If you take a stroll around the Boone Mall, you might notice something familiar yet out of place all at the same time. You could say that Boone has got a little piece of Mayberry, at least for a little while.

The Boone Mall is now the temporary home for the Mayberry car, a police car that looks like it has driven right off of the screen from the Andy Griffith Show.

The car is owned by Linda and David Davis.

“It was very kind of Meredith at the Boone Mall to allow us to display the Mayberry car at the mall entrance,” said Linda Davis. “The Mayberry patrol car brings miles of smiles to young and old. We are so happy we can help bring some type of happiness to others even if it is only for a few minutes.”

Meredith Golden, manager of the Boone Mall, mentioned that there have been plenty of folks admiring the car and even taking pictures with it.

“It is just hanging out there and people are coming up and taking pictures and just really enjoying it,” Golden said. “Everyone who knows Andy Griffith and Mount Airey is really enjoying it.”

The Davis’ live in Florida, but come to the High Country during the summer months. The car was in Blowing Rock for a while starting in August, and now it has taken up residence outside the Boone Mall for Boone residents and visitors to enjoy.

Check out the photos below, and then go and check out the patrol car for yourself at the Boone Mall. The mall is located at 1180 Blowing Rock Rd. in Boone.

Photos by Ken Ketchie





