ASU Outdoor Programs Presents Banff Film Festival World Tour at Schaefer Center March 28 & 29

by Madison V. Fisler

March 17, 2014. On March 28 and 29, Appalachian State University’s Outdoor Programs will host the Banff Film Festival World Tour. Held at the Schaefer Center for the Performing Arts, the screening is hosted by ASU Outdoor Programs, Footsloggers and Appalachian Geology. 

“The film festival in Banff every year, they get about 400 films from many countries. They choose the top 40 award winning films and those films go on a world tour to over 500 locations across the globe, and we are one of those locations,” said RIch Campbell, director of Appalachian State University’s Outdoor Programs.

“We are now in our eighteenth year of hosting this festival.”

The Schaefer Center will show between 6 and 8 films each night, and will be showing completely different films on March 28 and 29. 

“We try to select a balanced group of films to screen each night,” Campbell said. 

Tickets are only available in advance, and the show is expected to sell out this week.

Doors to the Schaefer Center will open at 6:30 p.m., with live music in the auditorium each night before the beginning of the film screenings to create a festive atmosphere. 

Admission for the screening is $8 for students and $12 for adults. Showtime for both dates is 7:30 p.m.

In addition, Watauga High School students will have the opportunity to see a selection of the films on Wednesday, March 26 through the university’s APPlause! program which brings students from local schools to campus to have an enriched learning experience. 

“Its a really fun extension of the film festival,” Campbell said.

“Our primary sponsor, Footsloggers, is underwriting an additional screening for the students, so it won’t cost the schools anything. All sixth, seventh and eighth-graders in Watauga County will come to the Schaefer center for an abbreviation of the film festival. We have chosen films that will appeal to middle schoolers and ones that will provide cultural and environmental talking points that teachers will use in the classrooms. All they have to do is get the students to the Schaefer center. We are expecting 1200 kids to come out, so it should be a great time!”

To purchase tickets for the event, or any other events taking place at the center, contact the Schaefer Center for the Performing Arts at 828-262-4046 or click here

The Schaefer Center for the Performing Arts is located at Appalachian State University’s campus, at 733 Rivers Street in Boone.