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ASU Hosts Amnesty International N.C. State Meeting on Saturday, March 1, Numerous Topics Discussed


Feb. 3, 2014. The North Carolina Amnesty International State Meeting will be held at Appalachian State University on Saturday, March 1 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

The conference, hosted by Appalachian’s Amnesty International chapter, will include discussions on the death penalty, poverty, and human trafficking. Darryl Hunt, the Winston-Salem resident who spent almost 20 years in prison after being wrongly convicted of murder, and Tarrah Callahan from N.C. Coalition for Alternatives to the Death Penalty will discuss the death penalty in N.C. Other presenters include Edith Garwood, country specialist on Israel and Palestine, and the N.C. Dream Team, an organization composed of undocumented immigrant youth and allies.

The North Carolina State Meeting is open to everyone. The meeting registration fee is $20. Registration includes admission to all meeting events, lunch from Farm Café and Amnesty International-USA membership. Register at http://aincstatemeeting.weebly.com

Attendants are encouraged to bring canned food items, which will be donated to the Hospitality House of Boone.

The vision of this event is to raise state, community and campus awareness of some of the world’s most pressing human rights issues.

“Our hope with this conference is to inspire others to become invested in human rights and feel empowered to take action” said Amanda Moore, N.C. meeting coordinator.

For more information about the conference, visit http://aincstatemeeting.weebly.com or contact Amanda Moore at mooreaa@appstate.edu or 252-229-2922.

###ABOUT AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL: Amnesty International is a non-governmental human rights organization with over 3 million supporters worldwide. Learn more at amnestyusa.org