Ashe County Fourth Grader Shares Bill Proposal With NC Rep. Jonathan Jordan

Josie Franca a fourth-grade student in Ms. Monica Parson's class at Westwood Elementary in Ashe County, met with NC House Representative Jonathan Jordan last week.
Josie Franca, a fourth-grade student at Westwood Elementary in Ashe County, met with NC House Representative Jonathan Jordan last week.

Josie Franca, a fourth-grade student in Ms. Monica Parson’s class at Westwood Elementary in Ashe County, met with NC House Representative Jonathan Jordan, on Thursday Jan. 5, 2017.  Josie shared with Representative Jordan her Bill Proposal for School Safety Issues. 

Rep. Jordan said, “I was very impressed with her thoughtfulness and knowledge of the Bill Process.” 

Ms. Parsons, said that Josie had arrived at this idea on her own, presented it to Ms. Robinson the principal at Westwood, and received permission from her parents John and Fran Franca to visit Representative Jordan at his District Office in Jefferson.

“A fourth grader at Westwood loved learning about how our NC government works. She wanted to do something that would benefit all of the elementary students across our state. Ashe County teachers do an awesome job supervising students at recess, and playing rough is never allowed,” Parsons said. “She wanted to write a bill to make sure all elementary schools in our state have these same rules in place so that students won’t get hurt. Today she met with Representative Jonathan Jordan to present her idea. He listened to all of her thoughts ,and he said that he would talk to other school systems to ensure that there were rules in place to keep all students safe. We are very proud of Josie and her drive to make North Carolina schools the best in the nation.”

Representative Jordan always welcomes students and is excited to meet with those interested in State Government.  He invited Ms. Parsons along with any other fourth grade classes in Ashe and Watauga Counties, to contact him when they are planning a trip to Raleigh, and he will be honored to give them a guided tour.

Representative Jordan serves the 93rd District of North Carolina, Ashe and Watauga Counties.