AppHealthCare COVID-19 Situation Update for Watauga County March 5: Three Approved COVID-19 Vaccines Now Available

This document is intended to provide a regular update on the local response to COVID-19 in our communities and timely, trended data related to COVID-19. This report will be published on Fridays.

“With three approved COVID-19 vaccines now available, it is important to note that each vaccine is safe and effective and has been studied in clinical trials. We have full confidence in these vaccines and hope people will take the vaccine that is offered to them when it’s their turn. The news of a third vaccine provides more hope, and we are very glad to have more vaccines available to help slow the spread of COVID-19 in our communities,” stated Jennifer Greene, Health Director, AppHealthCare.

Our vaccine allocation for the week of March 8th will include 600 first doses and 1,370 second doses.

Who is eligible for vaccines?

The active groups for vaccination are health care workers with in- person patient contact, long-term care staff and residents—people in
skilled nursing facilities, adult care homes, continuing care retirement communities (Group 1), anyone 65 years or older, regardless of health status or living situation (Group 2) and frontline essential workers (Group 3).

How is equity around vaccines being addressed in Watauga County?

Equity is an important and significant factor to address during the COVID-19 pandemic, especially as it pertains to the COVID-19 vaccine. In Watauga County, those who need help with transportation can use the AppalCart to get to and from vaccination locations. For those who are in need of interpreters, we have interpreters available to help with your vaccine appointment. Also, some people are unable to leave their homes due to lack of accessibility, location, disability, etc. and we are able to offer vaccinations at someone’s home by scheduled appointments.

How does AppalCart help me get to my vaccine appointment?

Individuals who do not have access to transportation can sign up to use Appalcart to get to your vaccine appointment. Once you have a confirmed vaccine appointment, contact AppalCart for free assistance to and from your vaccine appointment. Contact the AppalCart dispatch office at (828) 297-1300 or visit their website at for more information.

People Eligible for Vaccine

This is an approximate number of those who are eligible to receive vaccines in Group 1, 2 and 3. These are individuals who remain on our interest form list and who we have not yet reached out to to schedule an appointment. For Group 3, we are using both our interest form list and coordinating with employers directly to schedule appointments, therefore this number does not represent all frontline workers eligible for vaccines in each county.

Data for Watauga County

An important note about data context: The graphs below show the available data. Please carefully read the descriptions below the graph to understand the data limitations. The most current data is available on the AppHealthCare dashboard, as the data below is past data trended.

Important Disclaimer About Data

It is imperative that this report and the data contained within is understood in the appropriate context. Please, if you use this report, please be certain that the information included within is shared within the appropriate context. Doing otherwise may be damaging to the public health response efforts. There are multiple factors involved in addressing this virus, including compliance with public health control measures implemented by the local health director and referenced in NC GS 130A. These measures are imperative for limiting the spread of COVID-19. AppHealthCare strongly advises that when data is shared for the purposes of educating the public or informing policy decisions, it should come directly from NC DHHS or AppHealthCare as it is presented with appropriate context from those directly involved in public health response.