AppalCART Testing New Double Decker Bus on Pop105 Route Through October 15

Photo courtesy of AppalCART

By Nathan Ham

If you have been driving around Boone lately, you might have noticed a larger than normal AppalCART bus traveling the roads around Boone. 

This special double-decker bus, built by Alexander Dennis Limited, is a demo being used by AppalCART to offer extra capacity on the Pop105 route. According to a spokesperson for AppalCART, the bus offers seating for approximately 84 people and also includes standing room for additional passengers. 

Currently, the double-decker bus is in service on weekdays from 7 a.m. until 3:40 p.m. AppalCART will operate the bus through October 15. 

Alexander Dennis Limited first started building buses in 1924 and currently builds buses for locations all across the world including the United States, United Kingdom, Ireland, Europe, Hong Kong, Singapore, New Zealand, Mexico and Canada. The company operates a factory to assemble buses in Nappanee, Indiana. 

The model bus being demoed by AppalCART is the Enviro500 double-deck bus, designed specifically for use in North America as it is constructed here and with a ride height of 13 feet, 4 inches, it is compliant with virtually every bridge and tunnel height in the United States and Canada.