The two Appalachian Rollergirls teams took the Holmes Convocation Center by force on Sunday!
The All-Stars won in an exciting turn of events against Dominion Derby Girls. In the last minute of the game, Patricia “P.Y.T.” Ybanez scored an impressive 35 points, bringing the final score to 173-171.
In a bout against the Mayhem Maidens, the Boone Shiners started out strong and won by a landslide. Most points were scored in the first half and they carried that enthusiasm through to the end for a final sore of 316-108.
P.Y.T. and Jennele “Coco Janel No. 5” Vaquera were named MVP Jammer and Blocker for the All-Stars.
On the Boone Shiners team, the MVP Jammer and Blocker were Erica Stewart (a.k.a. “Marie Buttah Fury”) and Jennifer Pillow (a.k.a. “Rolli Cannoli.”
Learn more about the teams at and follow them on Facebook as they continue the season.

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