April 3, 2013. Alcohol-Free Weekend, traditionally observed during Alcohol Awareness Month in April, is scheduled for April 5-7, 2013. Alcohol Awareness Month, founded and sponsored by The National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence, Inc. (NCADD) since 1987.
Alcohol Awareness Month is observed to increase public awareness and understanding aimed at reducing the stigma associated with the misuse of alcohol and to spread the word about ways to prevent alcohol abuse.
During Alcohol-Free Weekend (April 5-7, 2013), Watauga County Substance Abuse Prevention Collaborative (WCSAPC) asks parents and other adults to abstain from drinking alcoholic beverages for a 72-hour period to demonstrate that alcohol isn’t necessary to have a good time.
Locally the Watauga County Substance Abuse Prevention Collaborative (WCSAPC) works to partner with the community to prevent and reduce the misuse of alcohol, marijuana, and prescription medication by youth through awareness, advocacy, and action.
Alcohol Awareness Month and offers our community an opportunity to work together to not only raise awareness and understanding about the negative consequences of alcohol, but to highlight the need for local action focused on awareness and prevention.
When drinking, WCSAPC reminds you to respect the 0-1-2 Responsible Drinking Guidelines:
0 – for those under 21, driving or operating heavy machinery, pregnant, or taking certain medications
1 – no more than one standard* drink per day for women
2 – no more than two standard* drinks per day for men
*One standard drink is defined as 1.5 ounces of liquor, 5 ounces of wine, or 12 ounces of beer.
For more information about or Alcohol Awareness Month or Alcohol Free Weekend, call 828-264-5174.
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