5,000 Expected for Women’s March on Raleigh, Sister March Organized in West Jefferson, Too

More than 5,000 people are expected to attend the Women’s March on Raleigh this Saturday, Jan. 21.

Organized in solidarity with the Women’s March on Washington, the goal is to send a bold message to the nation’s new government on their first day in office that women’s rights are human rights.

The group is calling itself the Noisy Majority and has asked supporters to sign a pledge to mobilize North Carolina to take the state back from the far-right New Confederacy.

The Raleigh march, organized by a diverse group of women, will culminate with a rally in Moore Square.

WHAT: Women’s March on Raleigh

WHO: 5,000 people are expected to participate in a march and rally in Raleigh organized in solidarity with Women’s March on Washington.

WHY: The rhetoric of the past election cycle has insulted, demonized and threatened many. The marchers in Raleigh stand together for the protection of the rights, safety and health of all, recognizing that our vibrant and diverse communities are the strength of our country.

WHEN AND WHERE: Saturday, Jan. 21, 2017, 

10 a.m.: Marchers will meet at City Plaza on Fayetteville Street in front of the Marriott.

10:30 a.m.:  March step off. Attendees will march on the sidewalk from City Plaza heading north on Fayetteville Street to East Martin Street where it will turn east, crossing Wilmington and Blount Streets and ending at Moore Square. No streets are expected to be closed.

11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.: Rally at Moore Square. Speakers at the rally include Reverend Michelle Laws, MaryBe McMillan of the NC AFL-CIO, Nia Wilson of SpiritHouse, Serena Sebring of Southerners on New Ground, and Sarah Preston of Lillian’s List.

Contacts: Salma Mirza, 716-432-1576 or salma.m.mirza@gmail.com

Anna Grant, 484-326-4399 or anna@carolinajewsforjustice.org

More information can be found at womensmarchonraleigh.org and on the Facebook event and Facebook page.

Women’s March on West Jefferson

The marchers will gather in town at the Backstreet Park on the Backstreet. Our march will begin at 2 p.m.  

According to the Sister Marches’ page, “Our intention is to share our POSITIVE vision about what we want to see created in our community and the world.  We will then march through town (on sidewalks only). Afterwards we will gather for a shared potluck and fellowship in the library community room, for those interested in connecting further.”

For more information, click here

Find other sister marches here.