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50 Volunteers Participate in “Kiwanis One Day” Erecting Playground Structures and Sprucing Up Banner Elk Town Park on Saturday

There were no Amish and no barns involved, but the spirit was just like a traditional Amish barn raising in Banner Elk last Saturday!

Only on April 14, different segments of the community came together to erect playground structures and spruce up the Tate-Evans Park in downtown Banner Elk.  Called Kiwanis One Day, this gathering had all the components of an Amish barn raising…it was a frolic, a work event that combined socializing with a practical goal.  At the end of the workday, more than 50 volunteers felt a greater sense of community!

Kiwanis One Day was a showcase of planning, organizing and manual labor.  Calling upon the strong sense of goodwill in the community, many groups were well represented.  Clearly, town employees were the engineers of the practical side of the frolic.  The days prior were spent in site preparation, bringing in equipment and supplies.  Outdated playground structures were removed and the new construction footprints prepared.  Loads of mulch were delivered. 

While town employees were present and productive, their hours of labor reflected a deepening esprit de corps.  Boy Scout Troop 807 arrived with enthusiasm and a strong work ethic exhibited by both the scouts and their adult leaders.  The Avery High Key Club was present in large numbers as a commitment to making the community better through volunteer work.  Their cheerful smiles provided models for all to emulate.  The Blue Ridge Young Professionals arrived, with strong young backs and sharp minds.  A large contingent from the Kiwanis Club of Banner Elk was joined by workers from Bodegas Kitchen and Wine Bar.  Community volunteers representing other businesses and organizations such as the Banner Elk TDA, Banner Elk Chamber, Ensemble Stage, Holston Camp, Avery Chamber, and community walk-ons were scattered throughout the work groups.  Local entities such as Grandfather Home and Joel Owen’s landscaping loaned dozens of yard tools.

The Banner Elk community can take pride that in participating in Kiwanis One Day, a joint cooperative work effort deepened both social relationships and delivered a strong sense of satisfaction in looking back and seeing a tangible accomplishment.  What a real life example of community synergy.  And the best of all, some of the youngest of our community will have an exciting place to play–and, yes, to frolic!   

Photos of Saturday volunteers erecting playground structures and sprucing up the Tate-Evans Park in downtown Banner Elk by Jim Swinkola