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LETTERS / So You Think Mitt Romney Would Be A Good President

Dear Editor,

Mitt Romney took office as Governor of Massachusetts with a great deal of promise for the citizens of Massachusetts.  The idea was he would best serve the people of his state.  Finally they thought, a Republican who would get things done, create jobs and improve the economy.  After all, he is a successful businessman and knows how to create jobs.  That was the prevailing thought in 2003.  However, his tenure as governor is a preview of what we can expect if he is elected President.  Romney started out with a really high approval rating and ended up extremely unpopular.  By the time Romney quit as governor, Massachusetts ranked 47th out of 50 states in job creation.  The short table below summarizes Romney’s approval rating as governor.Mitt Romney once said people are glad after they hire him.  Not the people of Massachusetts!






Gary Villeneuve

Linville, NC