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34th Edition of Blowing Rock Trout Derby is Saturday, April 6; ‘Best Trout Fishing Anywhere in the Southeast’

Price Lake. Photo submitted

March 19, 2013. The 34th Annual Blowing Rock Trout Derby will take place on Saturday, April 6, from sunrise to 4:30 p.m. Free fun for all, no entry fees are required and no pre-registration is necessary. Trophies will be awarded for first place winners in five divisions: Men, Women, Girls (12-14) Boys (12-14) and Small Fries (11 and under).

“Trout Derby day means that spring has arrived in Blowing Rock. It’s a beautiful time of the year and we have some of the best trout fishing anywhere in the Southeast, so the Derby is a great reason to visit. It’s a family-oriented event and a great way to teach kids a sport they can enjoy for a lifetime,” said Tracy Brown, executive director of the Blowing Rock Tourism Development Authority. 

Broyhill Lake will be stocked with hundreds of fish in the days leading up to the derby, and trout caught in any Watauga County public waters on derby day are eligible. Catches should be taken to the official Derby Headquarters at the Blowing Rock American Legion Building on Wallingford Street, where cash and prizes will be awarded at 4:30 p.m. 

Kids and anglers with disabilities can fish at Broyhill Lake, where licenses are not required. All others must have a license and obey all posted fishing regulations. There is a limit of three fish per day at Broyhill Lake.

Other nearby fishing spots include Price Lake, Bass Lake, Trout Lake and the Middle Fork River along Highway 321. Licenses and bait can be purchased at Village Hardware on Green Street. 

The North Carolina Wildlife Commission supports the Blowing Rock Trout Derby with “Fish for Fun” bags complete with a tackle box, regulation book, bumper sticker, stringer and bobber. For more information on the Trout Derby and overnight accommodations in the Blowing Rock area, visit blowingrock.com or contact the Blowing Rock Visitor Center at 877-750-4636.