Libraries are often the bridge between one school year and the next and we hope to connect, enrich, and support educational endeavors for youth over the summer. The Summer Reading 2018 program at the Watauga County Public Library and Western Watauga Branch Library encourage everyone to get rocking! This year’s theme is Libraries Rock. On Friday June 8th at 2pm at the Watauga County Public Library in Boone, we will have our kickoff for summer reading registration. There will be ice cream, facepainting, balloon art with Twist the Balloon Man, and other activities. Local musician Tommy Smith will also get folks moving with silly music and dance. This is a time for families to get together, visit the library, sign up for summer reading, and for youth to pick up their reading logs. To support our community and build family philanthropy, we are asking families to bring a canned good (peanut butter, cereal, etc.) to assist those in need; items will be donated to the Hunger & Health Coalition of Boone.
Our summer program is designed to encourage and engage youth to READ, LEARN, and EXPLORE so that valuable skills are sustained over the summer and dare I say, it is also FUN. Where else can you find FREE programs that involve experimental science, magic, game shows, and hissing cockroaches? It may only be at the library. Parents, grandparents, and caregivers… don’t forget that the Watauga County Public Library has family story time every day at 11am and Baby Lap Time on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 10:30am. Library story times help to encourage emergent literacy skills through pre-reading experiences for preschoolers.
Parents/caregivers from diverse backgrounds can gain the tools and encouragement to read to, talk, sing, and play with children by participating in family story time. Additionally, awesome alphabet story times with Ms. Lisa Flanigan are happening Fridays and Saturdays at 11:30 am in June. If you live on the western end of the county, Western Watauga Branch Library has some amazing programs as well. So we hope you join us for some fun and educational activities at your local library!
For more information, check out our website at, visit our Facebook Page or call Watauga County Public Library at 828-264-8784 ext. 3, or the Western Watauga Branch at 828-297-5515.
We are grateful for the support of the Friends of the Watauga County Public Library and the Friends of the Western Watauga Branch Library!
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