High Country Christmas Eve Services and Christmas Day Services 2017

Churches across the High Country are welcoming you to attend this year’s Christmas Eve and Christmas Day services. Meet new friends as you join in communion for the true reason for the holiday season. Please note that several churches will not have a Christmas service on Monday, however plenty of other churches within the area will be open on Christmas morning. 


Alliance Bible Fellowship

1035 N.C. Highway 105 Bypass in Boone

828-264-8312 | abfboone.com | Facebook

Christmas Eve Services: Sunday, Dec. 24 at 4 p.m. and 6 p.m.

Bethel Baptist Church

123 Mountain Dale Road in Sugar Grove

828-297-2694 | bethelbaptistchurch.us | Facebook

Christmas Eve Service: Sunday, Dec. 24

6 p.m. Candlelight service in Bethel Elementary gym (across the street from the church)

7:15 p.m. Light free dinner in the Bethel church building fellowship hall. All are welcome!

Boone United Methodist Church

471 New Market Blvd. in Boone

828-264-6090 | booneumc.org | Facebook

Christmas Eve Services: Sunday, Dec. 24

4 p.m. Family service

11 p.m. Traditional service

Christmas Day Service: Monday, Dec. 25

9 a.m. Combined service

Brookside Presbyterian Church, ARP

1122 Old U.S. Highway 421 S

828-262-5020 | brooksidechurch.org.

The Church of the Holy Cross

122 Skiles Way, Banner Elk in the heart of Valle Crucis

828-963-4609 | holycrossvallecrucis.net | Facebook

Christmas  Eve Services: Sunday, Dec. 24

5 p.m. Children’s pageant and Holy Eucharist

7:30 p.m. Special music and carol singing

8 p.m. Holy Eucharist and celebration of Christmas

Christmas Day Service: Monday, Dec. 25

10 a.m. “Come as you are” Holy Eucharist with carols and special music

First Baptist Church of Boone

375 W. King St. in downtown Boone

828-264-2441 | boonefirstbaptist.org | Facebook

Christmas Eve Service: Sunday, Dec. 24

6 p.m. Candlelight communion in the sanctuary with music

Christmas Day Service: Monday, Dec. 25

12-2 p.m. Christmas Day Lunch

First Presbyterian Church of Boone

131 Big Valley St. in Boone

828-264-3906 | firstpresboone.org | Facebook

Christmas Eve Service: Sunday, Dec. 24

5:30 p.m. This 45 minute service will include lessons and carols, as well as our children participating in the nativity story.  We encourage young children to dress up as angels, shepherds, and as stable animals for our time together.  Our service will conclude with candle light.

Grace Evangelical Lutheran Church

115 E King St. in downtown Boone

828-264-2206 | graceboone.org | Facebook

Christmas Eve Services: Sunday, Dec. 24

4 p.m. Family candlelight service

7 p.m. Traditional candlelight service

9 p.m. Appalachian mountain music service

There will not be a Christmas Day Service.

Greenway Baptist Church

880 Greenway Road in Boone

828-264-7750 | greenwaybaptist.com | Facebook

Christmas Eve Service: Sunday, Dec. 24

4 p.m. Christmas Candlelight Service

Harvest House

247 Boone Heights Dr, Boone, NC 28607

(828) 263-4171 | https://harvesthousechurchboone.com

*Only morning services on Christmas Eve. There will not be a Christmas Day service.


High Country United Church of Christ

8233 U.S. Highway 421 N in Vilas

828-297-1092 | highcountryucc.org | Facebook

Christmas Eve Service: Sunday, Dec. 24

5-6 p.m. A Christmas Eve service full of carols, hearing the Christmas story and singing by candlelight. Dress is casual. If you’re seeking a warm, welcoming community, try out High Country UCC.

Mount Vernon Baptist Church

3505 Bamboo Road in Boone

828-266-9700 | mvbcb.org | Facebook

Christmas Eve Services: Sunday, Dec. 24

*Only morning services, no nighttime services. No services on Christmas Day.

Rutherwood Baptist Church

142 Don Hayes Road in Boone

828-264-5319 | rutherwoodchurch.com | Facebook


St. Elizabeth of the Hill Country

259 Pilgrims Way in Boone

828-264-8338 | stehc.org

Christmas Eve Services: Sunday, Dec. 24

4 p.m. Christmas Eve Mass

Christmas Day Services: Monday, Dec. 25

Midnight to 1 a.m. Christmas Midnight Mass

10 a.m. Christmas Day Mass

St. Luke’s Episcopal Church

170 Councill St. in Boone

828-264-8943 | stlukesboone.org | Facebook

Christmas Eve Services: Sunday, Dec. 24

3:30 p.m. Pre-service music

4 p.m. Festal Holy Eucharist with Building of the Creche and Christmas Play

7:30 p.m. Pre-service music

8 p.m. Festal Holy Eucharist with Incense

St. Mary of the Hills Episcopal Parish

140 Chestnut Drive in Blowing Rock

828-295-7323 | stmaryofthehills.org | Facebook

Christmas Eve Services: Sunday, Dec. 24

5 p.m. Children’s pageant and Mass

10:00 p.m. Choral offering

10:30 p.m. Midnight Mass


For further information about a given church’s services, please call the given phone number of visit the church’s website. 

Merry Christmas!