Boone Town Council Meeting on Thursday

Compiled by Jesse Wood

The Boone Town Council will meet on Thursday, Nov. 17, at 5:30 in the Boone Town Council Chambers at 1500 Blowing Rock Road. See highlighted items and the entire agenda below or click here to peruse the entire meeting packet.

Intent to Annex 54-Acre, Former Bolick Property

The Boone Town Council will likely approve a resolution stating the town’s intent to annex the 54-acre, former Bolick property, which the Town of Boone agreed to purchase for 4.6 million in March for a municipal complex and greenspace. The Boone Town Council will also schedule a public hearing on this proposed annexation at its next council meeting on Dec. 15, 2016.

Public Hearing on Towing & Booting Regulations

The Boone Town Council will hold a public hearing on proposed revisions to Town Code Chapter 73: Towing. Proposed changes include requiring towing companies to accept credit and debit card payments and requiring these companies to disclose fees and offer receipts. Read about the entire proposed revisions here.

Consideration of Amendments to Parking Ordinance

Below comes from a memo in the council’s meeting packet for Thursday from Town Attorney Allison Meade regarding the proposed amendments, for which there was a public hearing in September, up for adoption. This matter is on the consent agenda.

The main substantive change is to impose a minimum of 0.7 parking spaces per bedroom for multifamily housing, where previously only a maximum had been imposed.

Council is asked to approve the amendment based upon the following findings:

  1. The proposed amendment to the Town’s zoning ordinance is consistent with the Town’s Comprehensive Plan and other applicable, adopted plans of the Town which relate to this application because it provides a minimum standard of parking required for multi-family housing developments.
  1. The proposed amendment to the Town’s zoning ordinance is reasonable and in the public interest by ensuring a minimum level of parking for multi-family housing.

Resolution To Approve Revenue Bond, Water Intake

The council will consider and likely approve a resolution directing the application to the Local Government Commission for approval of water and sewer revenue bond anticipation note and subsequent revenue bonds. This resolution is related to the town’s water intake facility.

In August, the Boone Town Council approved a request for an additional $12 million in USDA loans for the intake project. The project’s total is now estimated to cost nearly $42.3 million.

Approval of Encroachment Agreement – Terracon Consultants, Inc.

Per memo to council meeting packet:

“Terracon Consultants, Inc. is requesting approval of an encroachment agreement upon the Town’s right-of-way at selected locations along Greenway Road and Meadowview Drive for the purpose of installing temporary ground water monitoring points. Sampling will be done under the supervision of the North Carolina Department of Environment Quality. This request is in connection with the old IRC site. See attached encroachment agreement.”

For more info on these matters, click to meeting packet here.

See agenda below:

