Today’s Email Announcements

Wilkes Playmakers “Cabaret” April 15-17, 22-24

Wilkes Playmakers production of Cabaret opens on April 15th and run April 16, 17, 22, 23, and 24.  Performances will be held at Benton Hall, home of the Wilkes Playmakers, located at 300 D Street, North Wilkesboro.  All tickets are $10 and may be purchased in advance online at www.wilkesplaymakers.comby clicking on Tickets  or may be purchased at the box office one hour prior to showtime each night.  Showtimes are 7:00 pm on Fridays and Saturdays and at 1 pm on Sunday afternoons.  Cabaret is a timeless musical  based upon the play by John Van Druten with script by Joe Mastercraft, music by John Kander and lyrics by Fred Ebb.  Caberet is presented by arrangement with Tams Witmark Music Library, Inc in New York, NY  For more information you may call 336-838-7529 or email

Beech Mountain’s Town Birthday Party Set for May 1

Celebrate the town of Beech Mountain’s 35th birthday AND Arbor Day on Sunday, May 1 from 1-3 p.m. at the Buckeye Recreation Center. What better way to celebrate our town than catching up with friends and neighbors at this year’s Town Birthday Party? Bring a covered dish and a beverage of your choice. Head home with a “live” party favor and schedules for summer hikes and special events. Sign up to volunteer for special events. RSVP to 828-387-3003 and let us know what dish you’re bringing.

ASU Community Band Concert April 18

Monday, April 18 from 8-9 p.m.

Broyhill Music Center, 813 Rivers Street, Boone

Don’t miss this FREE gem of a concert! Bring the whole family out to support and enjoy the band.

April 23 Ultra Run at Leatherwood Mountains

This is a unique race since the course is run entirely on private property.  Leatherwood Mountains has a restaurant and bar.  While you’re out running, families can go fishing or horseback riding.  50 mile runners will return to the start/finish area 3 times times along the course, making crewing very easy.
Distances:  50M, 50k, 10M

  • 50M and 50k follow the same course.  50 mile will then do a 10 mile loop twice to complete the distance.  Those running the 50 mile race will have the option to stop at the 50k point and still receive a finish time.  Hopefully most will choose to continue on to finish the whole 50 mile challenge.  50 mile course has an estimated 13,000ft of elevation gain.  50k course has an estimated 9,000ft of gain.
  • New 10 mile course for 2016.  New course still has an estimated 2000ft elevation gain.  First and last mile are a beautiful paved road through the meadow.  Course will follow most of the same route as loop 2 of the 50M/50k.  10 milers will now get their feet wet as they cross Elk Creek.  However, this means an added 1.5 miles of paved both.  But also also new tough trail for those who have done the 10 miler in the past years.

Visit Leatherwood online for more information.