2024 Big Cheese Fundraising Finale by Watauga County Habitat for Humanity on June 4th

Dave Shableski, Dean Vincent, Lucy Binning, Lindsey Royle, Nick London, Chuck Perry and Ethan Bean with his dog, Murphy.

On June 4th, 2024, Watauga County Habitat for Humanity hosted The 2024 Big Cheese Fundraising Finale at Appalachian Mountain Brewery in Boone, N.C.. This event marked the end of a two month fundraising campaign named “The Big Cheese” that seven different teams participated in. The fundraiser is a friendly competition to see which team and individuals can raise the most money for Watauga County Habitat for Humanity, supporting the organizations efforts to build safe and affordable housing in Watauga County. Watauga Habitat does this by using volunteer labor and providing access to new-home construction at a zero-interest, 30-year mortgage to partner families. Fundraising efforts finished at 7:45pm on June 4th, and the winning team was crowned at 8pm the same night.

The final standings are as follows:

THE BIG CHEESE 2024 Team Standings

1). VPC Builders: $19,290
2). High Country Home Builders Association: $15,580 3). Alpha Delta Pi: $8,705
4). Boone United Methodist Church: $8,315
5). Appalachian Mountain Builders: $8,000
6). Lambda Chi Alpha: $4,498
7). App Builds a Home Leadership Team: $2,950

Sponsorships: $1,200.00

Unassigned cash donations: $68.00

Grand Total: $68,606

This is the most that this fundraiser has ever raised in its history. Previously, the fundraiser was known as The Big Kahuna and the previous record for the most raised was $61,928 in 2018.

The winning team, VPC Builders, participated in the event for the first time this year. Their team consisted of Nick London ($7,590), Lindsey Royale ($5,550), Lucy Binning ($2,000), Dave Shableski ($1,5550) and Dayne Cook ($1,125).

This year, our top individual fundraiser was, for the first time, not on the same team as the winning team. The top 5 individual fundraiser are as follows:


1). Chuck Perry of Perry Built Homes, on the High Country Home Builders team: $8,085
2). Simon Stickel on the Appalachian Mountain Builders team: $8,000
3). Nick London on the VPC Builders team: $7,590
4). Sonya Garland of Hawk Mountain Garden Center on the High Country Home Builders team: $5,725

5).Lindsey Royle on the VPC Builders team: $5,5550

Chuck Perry, the top fundraiser in 2024, has won the top fundraiser “Big Cheese” title for two years in a row, with a total amount raised of $14,550. His teammate on the High Country Home Builders team, Sonya Garland, has participated in this fundraiser for three consecutive years and has raised a total of $17,115 for Watauga Habitat for Humanity.

Watauga County Habitat for Humanity would like to thank all of our donors, partners, Board of Directors, fundraisers, volunteers, our live band the Kraut Creek Ramblers, and our sponsors for The Big Cheese. Sponsors included Appalachian Mountain Brewery, Watauga Building Supply, Jared Munday Electric (authorized Generac Service Dealer), Blackberry Creek Mattress, and Jeff’s Plumbing & Repair Inc.

All proceeds from The Big Cheese fundraiser go directly to Watauga County Habitat for Humanity, and help affordable homeownership in Watauga County. Watauga County Habitat for Humanity has recently announced their first ever Homecoming Blitz Build project, approved by the County Commissioners in January of 2024, thanks to a partnership with a student-led group App Builds a Home. The funds from The Big Cheese will be crucial as the organization continues to build safe and affordable homes with local families. Habitat relies heavily on support in the form of volunteers and donations from the community to build homes, communities and hope in Watauga County with local residents. If you are interested in donating time or resources to Watauga County Habitat for Humanity, please call 828-268-9545, or email nathan@wataugahabitat.org.

Chuck Perry of The High Country Home Builders team celebrates winning the title of top individual fundraiser at Appalachian Mountain Brewery
Nick London smiles as he learns VPC Builders won the top team at The Big Cheese Fundraising Finale.