Pat Cheshire and Amalia Yosefa Share Edgewood Cottage as Artists in Residence Through June 23

This Week at Edgewood Cottage…

It’s a great week to visit Edgewood Cottage to meet photographer Pat Cheshire, founder of MoonshineCards, and AmaliaYosefa, a painter who works in acrylics, oil and watercolor. They are hosting our first evening artist reception this summer and it’s free.

Pat is a photographer who loves the out-of-doors and is passionate about preserving history through pictures.  Pat’s interest in photography started in high school and eventually he developed and printed his own work.  Finding himself kicking and screaming into the digital age, Pat does as little editing as possible, preferring natural light and settings to remain as true to his subject as possible.

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Like so many of us, Amalia Yosefa is inspired by the beauty of the Blue Ridge Mountains. However, Amalia translates that inspiration into beautiful oil, acrylic and watercolor art, calling upon her lifelong passion for the subtleties of light and nature. After years of honing her skills and developing a unique style, Amalia is now a full-time artist with Thistle Beinn Studio an outlet for her work.  

How fortunate that both Pat and Amalia are in person at Edgewood Cottage from June 17 through June 23, 10-5 daily.  But wait! On Thursday, June 20, the first day of summer, the artists are hosting an open and free reception from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. in addition to regular hours. Come ask questions, browse the art and enjoy wine and light appetizers on this first day of summer in historic Edgewood Cottage. 

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Courtesy of Edgewood Cottage.