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 History Chugging Back To Life At High Country Crank-Up, July 27-29 

By Sherrie Norris 

It’s 43 years and counting for the Carolina Flywheelers’ annual High Country Crank, scheduled for Thursday-Saturday, July 27-29.

Speaking for the host organization, President, A.J. Miller is excited about the upcoming event, saying  it will bring history back to life again. “It’s special for those of us who love hit-and-miss engines, antique tractors, tools and other farm equipment, and just good old-fashioned family fun.” He emphasized, “It’s something you don’t see every day.”

After many years at a nearby site, the crank-up found a new home in 2022. The fairgrounds on Roby Green Road in Boone, is “just perfect,”  Miller said, and offers added convenience in a more relaxed atmosphere for participants, vendors and spectators. 

Following a hiatus caused by Covid, last year’s event, even with an unexpected move at practically the last minute, was everything the host group could hope for, Miller said. Hundreds came out for the unique gathering, renewing old acquaintances and enjoying the camaraderie found only among those with a love for all things “old.” 

And, Miller added, it’s an attraction that draws folks into Boone from around the country — from Florida to New York and everywhere in between. 

Described as an “historical power event,” the crank-up features antique engines, steam engines, models, tractors, tools and many other farm implements, most of which are still in use today.

The tractor parade on Saturday is always a highlight of the gathering, as is the “pedal pull” featuring kids on pedal tractors. 

Food vendors will be available onsite. No alcohol is allowed on property. The event and its host group will not be responsible for any accidents. 

Gates will open at  9 a.m. each day.

Admission for adults is $5 for one day; $6 for a two-day pass, $8 for all three days. Kids under 12 are admitted free. 

Exhibitors and vendors are welcome at no charge; donations are greatly appreciated. 

Primitive on-site camping is allowed and limited camper hook-ups (with additional fees) are available.

Carolina Fly-Wheelers, Inc. is a local non-profit and historical organization. Current officers of the organization are:

  • AJ Miller, President
  • Rodney Miller, Vice-president
  • Elaine McNeal, Treasurer
  • Samantha Miller, Secretary
  • Betty Hodges, assistant Secretary

Watauga County Fairgrounds is located at 748 Roby Green Rd. Boone, less than a mile off Old Hwy. 421. 

For general show information, contact A.J. Miller at  828-406-0716 or follow on Facebook.