In a heartwarming tribute to their beloved grandfather and great grandfather, CP Abernethy, a local family orchestrated a touching event at Tweetsie Railroad, inviting children and families associated with High Country Caregivers for a day filled with laughter, adventure, and the joy of trains.
CP Abernethy, a cherished figure in the family, held a special place in his heart for both locomotives and children. As a train engineer in Hickory, North Carolina, he found immense delight in his work. When the opportunity arose, Abernethy took on a conductor role at Tweetsie, where he found the perfect blend of his two loves – trains and the happiness they brought to children.
Ronald Key, Abernethy’s grandson, fondly recalled the family’s ties to Tweetsie Railroad, “Grandfather’s two loves of life were trains and children. He passed away in the 1960s. We wanted to honor our grandfather’s memory in a meaningful way. He loved that place so much. We wanted to sponsor kids who might not have the chance to visit Tweetsie and give families and children a fantastic day,” Ronald Key said, reflecting on their motivations.
Key recalled how as a child, all of the grandchildren would rotate spending two or three days in Blowing Rock with our grandparents. “I can vividly remember how granddad would take us to Tweetsie,” he shared. “The memories of those precious moments became the inspiration for the family’s generous act of giving back to the community.”
This year marked the inaugural event, reflecting the family’s commitment to extending Abernethy’s legacy of kindness and their desire to support the local community. Ronald Key expressed hope for the future, stating, “The cool thing about doing this is that the generation after mine is interested in supporting this as well. We hope to make this an annual tradition.”
Our kids had the best day,” said social worker Carolie Johnson. “More than 160 people attended. Many of these families never get opportunities like this,” she shared. “In my three years, working with these families, this was one of my most impactful days. We cannot thank Ronald Key and the Abernathy family enough for this opportunity.”
The HCC Kinship Care program offers comprehensive whole-family care to empower caregivers who take on the responsibility of caring for a relative or friend’s child. They work to keep children out of foster care and group homes allowing them to remain with families that love them. Through a variety of programs and community support, High Country Caregivers works alongside kinship caregivers to help them improve the lives of these children.
Tweetsie Railroad, a beloved attraction since its establishment in 1957, holds a special place in the hearts of locals and visitors alike. Founded by Grover Robbins, an enterprising entrepreneur from Blowing Rock, North Carolina, Tweetsie Railroad began as an excursion railroad. The No. 12 locomotive became the centerpiece after restoration, offering the magic of trains to all who visited.
As the sun set on this memorable day at Tweetsie Railroad, the family’s act of generosity left an indelible mark on the hearts of the children and families they sponsored. It was a day of laughter, adventure, and the enchantment of trains – a true embodiment of the spirit of CP Abernethy and the family’s dedication to giving back to the community.
Here’s to many more years of creating wonderful memories and spreading love and generosity on the rails of Tweetsie Railroad! All aboard for a future filled with compassion and unity.
High Country Caregivers provide advocacy, support, and education for kinship caregivers and their families. HCC operates in Avery, Watauga, Ashe, Yancey, Mitchell, and Wilkes counties, For more information please visit
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