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Virginia Foxx Honors Watauga High School Champion Art Student Noah Padgett in Washington, DC


Congresswoman Foxx and Noah Padgett with Noah’s original sketch, Homeland.

July 4, 2012. Congresswoman Virginia Foxx (R-NC) welcomed Watauga High School rising Junior Noah Padgett to the United States Capitol to celebrate his winning submission to the 2012 Congressional Art Competition. Noah met Foxx and joined champion high school artists from throughout the United States for a ceremony in their honor and a tour of the Capitol grounds.

“I’m so happy that the Congressional Art Competition gives students like Noah the opportunity to come to Washington for recognition and to have a front row seat for the work that goes on in the People’s House,” Congresswoman Foxx stated. “Noah is a talented artist and I congratulate him on winning this year’s Art Competition for North Carolina’s 5th District. I’m confident that the thousands of visitors who see his artwork displayed in the Capitol this next year will be just as impressed.”

“The event was extraordinary,” Noah Padgett said. “I got to see firsthand the history of our nation and know better how our nation is run. One of the highlights was going on the floor of the House of Representatives. It was amazing to meet Congresswoman Virginia Foxx because she was very nice and helpful with everything we did. I feel very honored to get this acknowledgement and know that so many people will get to see my piece for the year.” 

Noah writes that his original piece, titled Homeland, “captures [his] views of the mountains in Boone and the cabin [he] hope[s] to one day build and live in.” It was sketched by hand in ink.

For the second straight year, the winner of the North Carolina 5th District Art Competition was decided by a popular vote of Congresswoman Foxx’s Facebook audience.

Art competition winners are selected from each Congressional District within the United States. For the year following their recognition at the Capitol, winners’ artwork is displayed in the Capitol complex.