Four ASU Staff Members Receive Award for Service

The 2012 Appalachian State University Staff Award winners are, from left, Betsy Payne, Carolyn “Jo” Hoosier, Monique Eckerd and Elaine Hartley. Photo by Marie Freeman

Aug. 30, 2012. Resourceful, hardworking and dependable are among the characteristics of the 2012 Appalachian State University’s Staff Award winners.

This year’s award recipients are Monique Eckerd from the College of Arts and Sciences’ Animal Facility Laboratory, Elaine Hartley from the Department of Theatre and Dance, Carolyn “Jo” Hoosier from Building Services and Betsy Payne from the Budget Office.

This annual Human Resource Services award recognizes individuals who have made an outstanding contribution to campus life, for innovation that improves campus operations, or for dedication and service to the university. The recipients received $400 and a certificate. They will be honored during Fall Convocation on Sept. 6 at 10 a.m. in Holmes Convocation Center.

Monique Eckerd

Monique Eckerd is a research operations manager in charge of the animal care facility in Rankin Science Building. Her job requires her to be on call 365 days a year. 

Eckerd’s work ethic has been praised by many members of the Department of Biology for her “above and beyond” dedication and service to the university, staff and animals she works with.

“It is not unusual to find Monique in the facility over weekends and holidays making sure the animals are cared for,” wrote a nominator. 

In addition, colleagues have been impressed with Eckerd’s ability to organize annual summer camps for grade school children. These camps introduce students to basic concepts in science and the types of scientific research performed on campus at Appalachian.

“Monique is superb at what she does and she makes the lives of everyone who works with animals associated with the facility considerably easier,” wrote Eckerd’s nominator. “It is incredibly comforting to know that we can depend on someone as much as we depend on Monique.”

Elaine Hartley

Elaine Hartley has been praised by students and coworkers alike for her dedication to Appalachian’s students and faculty, her attention to detail and her cheery and positive disposition.

“She is the only staff person I know who gets her own day,” wrote a nominator. “Students and faculty wait until Elaine has ‘left the building’ and they decorate her office with balloons, mobiles, cut-out figures, candy, food, signed cards and when she returns the following day, the entire department graciously, enthusiastically and loudly celebrates ‘Elaine Day.’”

Another nominator commended Hartley’s commitment to her job.  “I have observed her quietly helping out at endless evening and weekend performances and receptions, simply doing what needs to be done, even though those types of things are not even in the job description for an administrative support staff member,” wrote a colleague. “Although we have a lot of dramatic moments in Theatre and Dance, Elaine takes it all in stride, and helps each of us to do what we do better, by her presence at ASU.”

Carolyn “Jo” Hoosier

Jo Hoosier is a Building Services staff member responsible for keeping Appalachian’s Department of Technology and Environmental Design facilities beautiful and tidy. 

The department houses industrial design, interior design, and craft enrichment programs, such as pottery and welding. These programs are known for their many hands-on and messy projects which create much work for custodial staff members.

According to a nominator, “Hoosier has played a key role in keeping the old building looking its best.”

One nominator wrote, “I have never seen a more enthusiastic, proactive and engaged custodial staff person than Jo Hoosier.”

Hoosier is respected for her communication skills and her pride in being an employee of Appalachian.  “Jo is great at communicating with faculty and staff and finding out when extra attention will be needed, such as clean-up after a special event or having extra cleaning materials ready for our students as they get the room ready for portfolio reviews,” the nominator wrote. “She is enthusiastic about her job and her positive attitude is infectious. Her constant smile and optimism is always a welcome sight!”

Betsy Payne

Betsy Payne’s 41-year career at Appalachian began in 1971 in the financial services department. Advancing through the years, she became the Budget Director in 1984. 

Though the financial department has changed over the years, Payne has been a leader through each and every stage. Despite these changes, “One thing has stayed the same all those years, over 41 of them, is Betsy’s amazing work ethic and obsession with delivering accurate, balanced budgets and friendly customer service,” a nominator wrote. “Her passionate attention to detail has allowed Appalachian to spend every dime possible each fiscal year.”

Payne demonstrated innovation with the mid-2000s implementation of the Banner Finance system. She and her staff created a program that includes a thorough but easy-to-use training document that helps to guide users of the Banner Finance system.

“For many years, Betsy was a one-person budget shop. Appalachian was gradually able to add staff to the budget office, but always less than needed, fitting the ‘Appalachian Way’ of doing more with less,” the nominator wrote. “Through the years, Betsy’s response was not to complain but to simply get the job done and more.”