F.A.R.M. Café photos by Jessica Isaacs
On Wednesday January 25 between 11am and 2pm everyone is welcome to F.A.R.M (Feed All Regardless of Means) Café at 617 West King Street for another ‘Buy Boone Lunch’ day. Boone Drug is the second company to participate in this opportunity. Just like each day at F.A.R.M Café guests can donate what they are able to for a great lunch. On this day, Boone Drug will cover the cost of the meal through a generous donation. Each and every additional donation will be utilized by the café in its mission to fight insecurity in the High Country.
Before there was F.A.R.M café, it was the original Boone Drug that was established in 1919. Boone Drug Downtown was simply a place like no other. Our community still relives some amazing memories that were made there in the Olde Thyme Soda Fountain and grille. Folks to this still day talk about Mama Marilyn’s famous lasagna and chicken salad. The old downtown staff will be employees for the day; serving as cooks, dishwashers and servers. “We’re so excited to support the F.A.R.M café and to see some of my wonderful customers that I had the pleasure of serving for so many years”, said Marilyn Farthing. The memories of Boone Drug downtown still remain. We hope everyone can come out to this memorable event where we as a community can come together to support a wonderful local business.
F.A.R.M café is a non-profit, pay-what-you-can community kitchen that builds a healthy and inclusive community. It provides high quality and delicious meals produced from local sources when available. The café operates Monday-Friday 11-2pm. For more information on F.A.R.M café and its mission to fight insecurity in the High Country please visit the website at Farmcafe.org.
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