If you love the High Country, tell the world why using hashtags #BooneNC and #BestTowns2015.
Voting begins on Monday, May 4 for Outside Magazine‘s Best Towns 2015 competition. Boone is in the running for the top spot and will take on contenders head-to-head from Outside’s list of the best 64 towns in the country in a bracket-style tournament of online voting.
Check out the full list of participants to find out which towns Boone will need to beat.
If Boone takes first place in online voting, it will receive the ultimate prize: a spread in Outside’s September issue.
If Boone makes it to the top 16, it will be listed among other finalists in the article.
If Boone makes the top 32, it will be listed among other semifinalists on the Outside website.
With just four days in each back-to-back round, Boone needs nonstop support on social media to promote online voting.
We don’t know yet which town Boone will face in the first round, but we do know the bracket schedule:
ROUND 1: May 4 – 8
ROUND 2: May 9 – 13
ROUND 3: May 14-18
ROUND 4: May 19-23
ROUND 5: May 24 – 28
ROUND 6: May 29 – June 4
Encourage your friends and neighbors to vote online by posting your photos to Instagram, Twitter and Facebook using the hashtags #BooneNC and #BestTowns2015 and tell us why you love Boone.
Go back to our full story on the Best Towns competition for local commentary and more details.
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