July 11, 2013. The Grandfather Mountain Highland Games offer visitors the opportunity to experience the Highlands of Scotland firsthand through traditional music, food and activities. But what some might not realize is that when the sun goes down, the fun is only beginning.
The Highland Games After Dark begins on the evening of Thursday, July 11, with the “gathering.” Here, the masses flock to McRae Meadows, enjoying bagpipe music and sheep herding demonstrations while anxiously awaiting twilight and the dramatic opening ceremonies.
As the sun sinks behind Grandfather Mountain’s mile high peaks, the clan leaders convene to announce the presence of their family’s line. Some bang their chest and yell as the enthusiastically primitive ceremony progresses all in an effort to invoke the “Spirit of the Clans” upon the weekend’s traditional Scottish experience.
The Celtic Jam takes place on Friday night and features performers that blend the traditional Celtic sounds of the Isles with the traditional bluegrass sounds of the Southern Appalachians. Tickets are $15 for adults and $5 for children.
The lineup for the Celtic Jam includes: Tuatha Dea, Cutthroat Shamrock, Ed Miler, Barleyjuice, Rathkeltair, Thistledown Tinkers, Colin Grant Adams, Chelsea House Orchestra, Lisa Lynn & George Tortorelli and Celtica Pipers Rock.
Originally from Edinburgh, Ed Miller’s acoustic sounds offer a unique spin on traditional Scottish folklore. Thistledown Tinkers is another acoustic performance, mixing the Appalachian sound of the banjo with the sounds of Scotland. Colin Grant Adams’ high-energy and enthusiastic performances delight his audiences.
Chelsea House Orchestra, a large group made up mostly of school-aged children, provides a varied and colorful performance for Highland Game visitors. Lisa Lynn & George Tortorelli’s soothing flute and harp sounds are another easy-listening delight.
Cutthroat Shamrock, Baryleyjuice, Celtica Pipers Rock and Rathkeltair’s contemporary tunes mesh modern rock with traditional Celtic undertones. For those into a modern, rock twist to the sounds of yore, these four bands will be a major highlight.
Self-described as “pure primal energy with a Celtic twist,” Tuatha Dea’s eclectic sound blends the tribal vibe of primitive drums with conventional and non conventional instruments such as guitar, bass, modern and Native American flutes as well as a myriad of vocal styles to create a truly unique sound.
Saturday night’s Celtic Rock Concert returns the five headliners: Tuatha Dea, Rathkeltair, Barkeyjuice, Celtica Pipers Rock and Cutthroat Shamrock.
The cost of the Saturday night concert is also $15 for adults and $5 for children.
For more information on the Grandfather Mountain Highland Games, call 828-733-1333. For lodging and other travel information, contact North Carolina High Country Host at 800-438-7500.
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