Fourth of July Fireworks in the High Country Delight Crowds Despite Constant Onslaught of Rain

by Madison V. Fisler 

June 5, 2013. With the torrential downpour that the High Country has experienced for the past few days, it would come as no surprise that many people all but gave up on fireworks shows for this year’s Independence Day. However, many fireworks shows still went on to delight visitors and locals alike as a punctual ending to the festive, albeit a little damp, holiday. 

At Tweetsie Railroad, the Fireworks Extravaganza went on as scheduled despite the deluge. As is the case each year, the lot was filled to the brim with excited spectators waiting for the show. The fireworks began on time around 9:15 p.m. There were no modifications made to the show in spite of the rain, according to Marketing Director Cathy Robbins.

“We just went ahead and did it and it turned out great,” Robbins said. “We had a great turnout.”

The fireworks at the Town of Boone got off to a late start, getting off the ground a few minutes before 10 p.m. instead of the usual 9:30 due to heavy rains and lightning.  “The weather was definitely a factor,” said Boone Fire Marshal Ronnie Marsh. “The heavy lightning and rainstorm caused us to delay the show for the safety of everyone involved including the pyrotechnics crew.”

The Boone fireworks show is hand fired, not electronically. The rain, however, did not affect the quality of the fireworks display.

“Every shell was fired,” Marsh said.