F.A.R.M. Cafe Celebrates the Holidays with Art Unveiling, Tree Decorating, & Volunteer Thanks!

F.A.R.M. Cafe invites everyone to come and celebrate the holidays in a unique F.A.R.M. Cafe style on Friday December 8 at 5 PM.   The celebration will be a thank you for all the volunteers who help to make the Cafe happen.  Everyone is invited to contribute an ornament featuring a food or farm theme to the decoration of the F.A.R.M. Cafe Community Christmas Tree.  In addition, there will be an unveiling of a new Downtown Boone Community Scene above the historic lunch counter where the classic model train will once again come back into operation.

Since opening in 2012 well over 20,000 volunteer hours have been contributed by thousands of individual volunteers.   The Cafe would not be able to provide food daily for all regardless of means without the service of the 15-20 volunteers who serve each day at the Cafe.   As a way of saying ‘Thank You’, volunteers will be recognized at this celebration and have a chance in a raffle for F.A.R.M. Cafe T-shirts and hats.  If you are one of the many volunteers who have served at any time since F.A.R.M. Cafe opened, you are invited and encouraged to attend.

Many in the Boone community will remember the downtown scene and model train tracks above the lunch counter in the historic Boone Drug location.   On Friday, there will be an unveiling of a new ‘community scene’ which has been created by students in Scott Ludwig’s printmaking class at Appalachian State University.   Limited edition prints of elements from the new piece will be for sale with funds supporting F.A.R.M. Cafe.   “We are excited about the new scene above the lunch counters.” said Renee Boughman, Executive Chef at F.A.R.M., “The historic scene has been given back to Boone Drug.  I haven’t viewed the completed piece, but I understand it will feature special buildings in town, but also some of the people who make Boone such a great community:”  

Also after several years on hiatus, the F.A.R.M. Cafe board is pleased to announce that the model train which thrilled so many folks who visited the historic Boone Drug for years will once again be circling the tracks above the historic lunch counter.  

Each day F.A.R.M. Cafe is made possible by the contributions of customers, volunteers, and those who volunteer in exchange for a meal.  For the Christmas season, F.A.R.M. Cafe invites everyone in the community to contribute an ornament with a food, farm, or peace theme to decorate a ‘Community Christmas Tree’.  Kim Short, Front House Manager at the Cafe said, “We hope everyone who is able will dig through their ornaments or find an ornament in a local store which has a food, farm, or peace theme and bring it on Friday to the celebration to hang on this ‘Community Tree’.

Hot Chocolate, cookies, and snacks will be available for everyone.  The whole community is invited to come out for the Boone town-scene art unveiling, volunteer celebration, renewal of the historic train, and tree decoration.  The gathering begins at 5 PM with special events every 15-30 minutes.  

F.A.R.M. Café is a non-profit, pay-what-you-can community kitchen that builds a healthy and inclusive community. It provides high quality and delicious meals produced from local sources, when available, served in a restaurant where everybody eats, regardless of means.   The Cafe is open for lunch Monday-Friday 11 AM to 2 PM.  For more information on F.A.R.M. Cafe and its mission to fight food insecurity in the High Country please visit the website at Farmcafe.org.