Elk River Club Hosts Wednesday Night After Hours for Banner Elk Chamber of Commerce

By Jessica Isaacs

Photos by Jim Swinkola

Wednesday night, the beautiful Elk River Club welcomed members of the local business community to its clubhouse for the latest After Hours get-together with the Banner Elk Chamber of Commerce.

Mary Jo Brubaker displays a Woolly Worm cake in anticipation for this weekends Woolly Worm Festival.

“We love the opportunity just to have the local businessmen and our neighbors to come in and see what we have here,” said Toni Littleton, general manager at Elk River Club.”

The group gathered inside the clubhouse living room by the newly renovated bar for cozy evening of fellowship and networking. Littleton said the club membership was happy, as always, to have the added opportunity to connect with local leaders and entrepreneurs.

“We are such a small community and it’s a very tight-knit community and our members are always out and about, going to local businesses, shopping at local stores, eating at the restaurants, and I think its’ very important for us to be a part of that and not hold ourselves apart,” Littleton said. “Our members love that. They love to get involved. They’re not only involved with the High Country Charitable Foundation but also other charities for which they volunteer.”

Known for their dedication to local outreach, Littleton said the club’s membership makes it a priority to stay connected with what’s going on around town.

“I think what makes Elk River Club so special is the members, and their involvement with the community is what we all love about them. They’re good to us, the staff and the employees, and they are especially good stewards of the local community,” she said. “Everybody’s got a golf course and everybody’s got a beautiful clubhouse, but their willingness to give back to others is what makes them so special.”

Hop over to bannerelk.org to learn more about the chamber, which aims to promote businesses and entrepreneurs in the Banner Elk community.

To learn more about Elk River Club, visit elkriverclubnc.com.

Chamber President Jo Ann McMurray and Toni Littleton







