Sept. 11, 2012. The U.S. Supreme Court has upheld the Affordable Care Act, including the individual mandate, shared responsibility payment and health insurance exchanges. The impact of this decision will be felt on employee benefit plans for years to come. Join the discussion about the broad ranging impact of the decision on the design and legal compliance issues facing employee benefit providers, as well as the tax and financing implications of the Act. Presenters will provide an overview of the Court’s decision and its impact on the following topics:
- The tax benefits that can be achieved
- The funding vehicles that will be used to finance expanded benefits
- How current benefit plan designs will be affected
- A timeline for changes that will be mandated by the Act
- Reporting and compliance requirements that you as an employer will have to implement
This event will be held Oct. 5, 2012, from 12 p.m. to 2 p.m. at the Fairfield Inn located at 2060 Blowing Rock Road, Boone.
The cost is $35 per person with lunch, beverages and materials included in the price. Crescent Employer Advisory Council members are invited to attend the event for free.
To RSVP, call 828-258-2991. For more information, visit